chapter 3

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It was a long journey but we made it to the layer.
Poppy: how are we gonna get passed the guards?
You: you guys go ill hold them off.
They ran in while i fought them. I won because i know some karate moves. I moved passed them and i see Poppy and Branch hiding in some pots waiting on me. I grabbed them and we sneak into the area the rest of the trolls were. We spot them in a cage with the bergen that pushed me into the water talking to them. The trolls look at us and i put my finger as to say be quiet. The Bergen looked our way to see what the Trolls are looking at. We hide again. She comes over and tries to find us. When she came over i poked her eyes so she couldnt see and ran to get the cage. We ran out of bergen town with guards chasing us. After a while we lost them. We went to my house and let them out of the cage.
You: Are you guys ok?
They all nod their head shocked of what just happend.
You: Everyone get some rest!
I went up to bed thinking about all the adventures we are gonna have together.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Mar 13, 2018 ⏰

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