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Addilyn's POV

"Okay, now just add some salt," I told Jack, as I sat on the countertop. He obeyed and reached over for the salt. He began pouring in a little, and then a lot. "Stop! Thats enough!"

He gave me a devilish smirk as he add a tad more and finally put the salt down. "Perfect," he joked, kissing his fingers as if he was Italian. He pour the soup into two bowls and grabbed some spoons.

"Oh, so you finally went back to spoons, I see." Jack use to eat everything with forks instead of spoons just to irritate me.

"Yeah, forks just lost its magic." Which was his subtle way of saying "you made me hate forks after you left me."


Jack's POV

Addilyn and I were sitting on her couch now, watching some boring home improvement show.

"Addyyyy, I'm bored. Let's go do something fun," I whined.

"Jack, you can go, ya know? I'm too sick to do anything."

"Ugh, I'd rather stay here then." As I diverted my attention back to the tv, my phone started ringing.

It was Aspen. It's probably nothing important. I turn the ringer off and see Addy giving me wide eyes. "Answer it," she commanded.

"What? Why?"

"Just answer the phone, Jack!" With curious eyes I accepted the call, hearing Aspen's high pitched voice on the other end.

"Hey Jack!" She buzzed.

"Hey, what's up Aspen?"

"Well, I was thinking aboug hittin' the town and wanted to see if you'd like to join." She sounded so hopeful. It wouldn't be the first time that Aspen has ask me to hang, and usually I accepted most of the time. But right now I didn't want to leave Addy's side.

Addy was watching closely I had my conversation with Aspen. "I don't really know if I'm up for that today," I amswered.

"Oh, okay." She seemed a little disappointed but I don't know why. We were just friends and she had plenty of other friends that would gladly join her.

Before I could end the call, Addy was up and snatched my phone.

"Oh look at that, Jack has found his second gust of wind," she told Aspen through the phone, "he was super bored but now you have offered him the perfect solution. He's happy to join you today! He'll be over soon. Bye now!" She hung up straight away and a smile grew over her face.

"What was that?" I asked, completely baffled.

"You just said you were bored. Now you won't be." She shrugged and took back her seat on the couch.

"Yeah, but we're hanging out." I tried my best to hold back my disappointment and act like it was no big deal. But it was a big deal. After our visit to the boardwalk I couldn't stop thinking of her.

And I know it's wrong. She's my best friend's girlfriend. But to be fair, I knew her first. Hell, I dated her first. And now I sound like a second grader calling dibs but I don't care. I want her back.

And I know she must have been thinking about me. She was saying my name in her sleep. That has to mean something, right?

"Yeah but I'm sick and seconds from falling asleep. You'll have a lot more fun with Aspen. She's a great girl."

"Since when did you guys become all buddy-buddy," I asked. A little frustration was evident in my voice.

"What do you mean? I thought you would want me to get along with your friends," Addy was starting to get a little defensive. "I like Aspen. I think she'd be good for you."

"Good for me?" I asked repeating her words. "Now you're trying to set me up with her?" Honestly, I was a little hurt. Here I was, believing we were having a good time and getting closer. I actually had hope. But now she's trying to give me away to another girl. But I don't want another girl, I want her!

"Jack, I don't know what your problem is. Your friends with Aspen and you guys spend a lot of time together so I just thought-"

"Obviously you weren't thinking," I interrupted, "because if you were, you'd realize I'm not into her. I'm into you!" I slightly shouted at her. My own eyes widened, along with hers, as I processed what I just said.

I didn't know what to do now. It was tense and quiet as we both did nothing. She looked down at the ground as she spoke. "You should go now, Aspen is waiting."

Are you serious? I thought to myself. At a time like this, the only thing you're worried about is Aspen?!

I gave a scoff and left her apartment. I'm mad at myself for letting my feelings slip too soon. And I'm disappointed that she didn't return the same feelings. And I was definitely not in the mood to put on a fake smile for Aspen.

a/n: wowzers. a lot happened here. it's a little shorter but a lot went down so that should make up for it.
-I think the end is kind of near. Not super near but not super far. idk.
-comment/vote/share if you enjoyed!

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