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Before you submit an application, please review the rules of the book club. There aren't many, but we expect every member to follow and obey the rules.

1. Be on time. This is not a difficult rule to follow. We will give you plenty of time to finish the assignments. We fully expect you to complete your assignment in the time given. Do not slack off; it is not fair to others.

2. If there is a conflict, please let us know. If you are unable to complete your assignment, please PM @TheSweets_, infinitestarsforever, or chey1501. We will try to figure something out. We are not trying to mess up your schedule, we promise . If there is an issue, please let us know so that we don't mistake you for slacking off.

3. Be respectful. We do not want to see any form of hate or judgement in this club. This is a place to receive open and honest feedback. That does not mean that you are allowed to be rude. Please treat every member in this club with respect. If you don't like what another person said about your writing, address it respectfully.

4. Try your best. This is the most important rule, and it isn't a lot to ask! We expect you be ready to have an open mind for each and every assignment. Provide insightful and thoughtful feedback. It is only fair to yourself and others that you are giving full effort for each assignment.

These rules are very important, and we expect each member to respect and recognize them. To make sure that you've read this completely, please PM @TheSweets_, infinitestarsforever, or chey1501 and list the four rules described here.

Sweet Book Club [Open and Recruiting]Where stories live. Discover now