6|| The woods

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"You said 'save Jersey'. The girl from the car crash?" Scott broke the silence that had filled the bathroom. Stiles looked up from his still shaking hands, his eyes meeting Scott's.

"I-I think dying did something to me. I can see her ghost." Stiles was still breathless from the panic attack. Scott's eyes widened, his human friend could see dead people.

"She's not just a hallucination?" Scott asked, feeling the need to make sure. Stiles shook his head no. At least he didn't think she was a hallucination. "Is she here now?" Scott asked, his brow furrowed. 

Stiles looked away from Scott, his eyes scanning the bathroom. Jersey smiled when his brown eyes landed on her, then he looked away from her like he hadn't even seen her. "No." Stiles answered his friend. 

Jersey found herself breathless, he didn't see her. The only person she had as an anchor didn't see her. "Stiles i'm right here!" She called, getting to her feet. He didn't hear her, it was like she wasn't even there. Suddenly she wasn't, vanishing with her hopes of coming back. 


Jersey stood at the edge of her hospital bed, her body looking sicklier with every passing day. Her sister sat at her bedside, dressed in a pencil skirt and white button up shirt. Her brown hair was pinned up in a bun and her make up was done. She always did make a great lawyer. 

"I have a client waiting for me a few rooms over but i had to come see you, J. Do me a favor and wake up soon. Please." Isabelle's plead only broke Jersey's heart. Jersey sighed, going over to her body and laying down on it. 

She had seen this in ghost movie's, that maybe she could stick to her body. Jersey closed her bright blue eyes and waited. Slowly she sat up, her body staying in place. "Of course it didn't work, there's a long line between movies and reality." Jersey sighed, running her hands through her brown hair.

Her mind drifted over to Stiles, she knew she should go see him. See if he could see her again, but Jersey didn't want to risk the pain of knowing that his ability to see her had vanished. 

Deep down she knew she was going to die, that she would wash away like she was never even here. Not even Stiles' insisting that she would be fine help her, Jersey knew her fate she was just hoping she could die next to a friend rather then drifting around. 

Jersey pressed a kiss to the top of her sisters head before disappearing to where ever Stiles was.

Jersey opened her eyes to see she was in the middle of the woods, people stood around her. She recognized the people as Lydia, Allison, Scott, Stiles, and Isaac. Jersey was pretty sure the last guy was Issac.

Jersey sat on the hood of Stiles' jeep, her legs crossed as she watched the group. Stiles glanced back at his jeep and let out a small yelp. "Jersey!" He snapped. A smile pulled at Jersey's plush pink lips. He could see her again.

"Whose he talking too?" Isaac asked. Stiles looked over at his friend, realizing he probably looked crazy talking to himself.

"Um, So. You know that girl that got in the car crash?" Stiles started, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "Well I can sort of see her ghost." Stiles said. 

"Except when you have panic attacks, then you can't." Jersey smiled

"You see ghosts?" Lydia asked. 

"I guess, I've only seen Jersey so far." Stiles said awkwardly. A gun shot rang through the forest, pausing the conversation completely. Scott ran to his bike, getting ready to speed off well Stiles yelled for him to wait. 

Isaac ran after the bike, he could keep up with his werewolf speed. Allison following after Isaac. Stiles groaned before grabbing his phone and calling his dad. "It took the doll again, what is so important about the doll?" Stiles asked.

Stiles' expression changed as he listened to whatever his dad had to say. "It's the doll." Stiles put something together before hanging up. "It's the doll?"

"Why would it go all the way to the school and back all the way to the house just for a doll?" Stiles asked nobody in particular. "One that was in the car wreck in the first place. We didn't find it in the coyote den." 

"It likes the doll who cares?" Lydia said as she paced behind Stiles.

"Yeah it likes the doll a lot." Stiles muttered.

"Maybe she likes it cause it was the last bit of her humanity." Jersey said, still perched on top of Stiles jeep.

"What kind of doll is it?" Lydia asked, thinking about something.

"It's a doll, you know. It's got little arms, a big baby head, dead soulless eyes." Stiles explained. "Actually, i took a picture." Stiles grabbed out his phone and brought up a photo. 

Jersey hopped off the jeep and glanced over Stiles' shoulder at the phone. "That's Malia?" Lydia pointed at the little girl in the blue jacket. 

"Yeah that's her scarf and jacket we found in the den." Stiles nodded.

"Stiles, Malia isn't holding the doll her sister is." Jersey pointed out.

"That's Malia's younger sister. It was her doll." Stiles mumbled. "I know what she's doing." Stiles looked over at Lydia.

"What?" Lydia asked, clearly confused.

"I know where she's going." Stiles said before taking off in to the woods. Lydia and Jersey followed after him, listening as he left a voice mail for Scott.

The sound of metal clinking caught Jersey's attention, she glanced over at Lydia and her face dropped.

"Stiles." Lydia called for him with a shaky voice.

"Yeah?" Stiles turned around. That's when he saw her foot in the bear trap. Lydia wasn't moving a muscle, she was to scared the steel jaw would close on her ankle.

"Stiles?" Lydia asked.

"Lydia don't move." Stiles ordered. 

"Obviously she shouldn't move." Jersey's sarcasm only earned her a glare from Stiles. 

"Look for a warning label." Lydia told Stiles, tears filling her eyes.

"A warning label?" Stiles asked. 

"Instructions on how to disarm it." Lydia hissed. 

"Why would they put instructions on the bottom of a trap?" Stiles asked.

"Because animals can't read." Lydia was beginning to get annoyed with Stiles. He moved closer to the trap looking for anything that could help them.

"Lydia we have a problem." Stiles said. 

"What?" Lydia asked panicked.

"I can't read either." Stiles look up at his friend.

"Jersey! Jersey can tell you what to do." Lydia panicked, hoping the ghost was here with them. Stiles looked in to the distance where Lydia assumed Jersey was.

"Move over." Jersey swatted at Stiles, crouching down to read the liable. 

"You don't need instructions, when was the last time you used instructions am i right?" Lydia  began talking as Jersey read the words. They were blurry like she was looking at them through the wrong set of glasses. 

"You don't need them because you are two smart to waste your time with them." Lydia said. Both Stiles and Jersey looked up at the red haired girl. "You can figure it out. Stiles you're always the one that figures it out. So you can do it. Figure. It. Out." 

Stiles looked back at Jersey who was chewing at her bottom lip. "Turn the dial, right." Jersey said. "Yeah right." Jersey nodded to Stiles. Stiles moved some twigs and dirt from the trap, his eyes landing on a steel wheel. 

"Ok, ok here we go." Stiles looked up at Lydia. "Ready?" He asked. Lydia let out a shuttered, scared breath, glancing down at Stiles. "Ok, here we go." With that Stiles turned the dial and Lydia jumped out of the trap. 

Stiles caught Lydia in his arms, the trap snapped closed and Lydia was safe. They exchanged a look before a loud roar echoed through the woods. Lydia and Stiles stopped, looking back at where the noise came from.

"Now that's what I'm talking about." Stiles smiled.

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