9|| The void

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Jersey laughed as she watched boys running down the school halls, throwing toilet paper at one another. She remembered running down the halls, doing stupid things with her friends on Mischief Night. Halloween had always been her favorite, now the whole idea just seemed to real.

Jersey was to busy watching dumb teenagers to realize that Stiles and Scott had walked away from her. 

She jogged up to the boys only to catch the end to an odd conversation. "I'm the hot girl?" Scott asked as he looked at Stiles. 

"You are the hottest girl." Stiles patted Scott's shoulder before walking off. Scott looked completely stunned by what Stiles had said. 

"I'm the hot girl." Scott mumbled, slowly turning his attention to Isaac. 

"Yes you are." Isaac agreed. Scott's smile widened at his beta's approval. Jersey chuckled, shaking her head at the Alpha. 

"Hay Stiles?" Jersey appeared beside Stiles. He jumped slightly before shooting a glance over at Jersey.

"Huh?" He questioned under his breath. Jersey came to a sudden stop, her figure becoming blurry and transparent. Stiles stopped walking, looking back at the ghost. "Jersey?" Stiles asked, not caring if anyone thought he was crazy for talking to thin air.

All the color faded from Jersey, the only color left were her piercing blue eyes. "Stiles, something's wrong." Jersey said her voice fading. Stiles watched as Jersey disappeared from view, Stiles stood there in confusion. 

Jersey disappeared when she was drained or upset, this was something different. The first bell rang and Stiles was forced to get to class. His mind still lingering on Jersey as he took his seat in Coaches class.


Everything was black, dark, like she was staring in to an empty void. Not a peak of light came through, it was like light did not exist in this realm. This was where Jersey seemed to appear when she left the physical realm. 

Purgatory, the Eternal Plains, the Rift, the Void. This place had many names, at least that's what Stiles had gathered from the internet. A place between heaven and earth, a place where all spirits walk, yet Jersey had always found herself alone here.

Jersey always felt cold here, like death's hands were inches away from taking her soul. She would never be here long, but when she got back to the physical word hours would have passed.

The silence of this place was always deafening to Jersey. She feared this was all there was after she would die. She had never been one to believe in heaven or hell, she hoped that there was something more than this.

Jersey waited patiently to be snapped back to Stiles. He seemed to be her anchor to the physical world, he was always the person she would snap back to. Not her sister, or even her own body, it was always Stiles. 

Jersey strained her eyes in the dark, hoping she could see something, anything. Something had snapped her back here, she knew she wasn't exhausted enough to be here and she wasn't here by her own choosing.

Something darker then the blackness moved, shooting across the Void. Jersey's eyes widened, her mouth falling open. She had seen something. It happened again, another shadow dashed by, then another. 

A sound like rapid clicking, or maybe bugs, filled the space. It got louder like the noise was multiplying. The shadows started moving more, there had to be at least seven of them. They got closer and closer until Jersey was encased with complete darkness. 

Everything changed, the blackness lifted and light found its way back to Jersey. She blinked rapidly trying to make everything clear. 

She was standing in her hospital room, watching doctors rush around her. Machines were beeping quickly and doctors were saying medical terms Jersey didn't understand. 

"Come on Jersey, keep fighting." Nurse McCall spoke softly. She stood by Jersey's bed, her hand in the young girls hand. The doctor fixed the machines before checking Jersey's pulse and other things. 

"She's fine, the system glitched  that's all." The doctor told Melissa. She nodded looking down at Jersey. Scott had told his mom about Jersey and how Stiles could see her. Melissa let go of Jersey's hand and followed the doctor out of the room.


The world around Jersey changed before she was back in the school. And right across from her was Stiles, running right at her. He came to a skidding stop, inches from Jersey. "Jersey where have you been?" Stiles asked quickly before shaking his head. "You know what nevermind i need to find Scott." 

"Wait, Stiles whats going on?" Jersey asked as she followed after Stiles.

"A psychopath with chest flies was spotted near the school." Stiles spoke quickly as he ran down the halls looking for Scott.

"What does that even mean?" Jersey shook her head. Stiles turned a hall and it sounded like he had found Scott.

"Hay, dude where the hell have you been?" Stiles asked, sounding almost annoyed with Scott. Lydia also rushed up to Scott. Jersey appeared beside Stiles, who barely acknowledged her. 

"The police are leaving, why are they leaving?" Lydia asked Stiles. Stiles didn't seem to have an answer, he seemed just as surprised as Lydia did.

"The police?" Scott questioned.

"They must have cleared the building and grounds, which means he's not here." Stiles concluded. Scott looked between Lydia and Stiles, missing just as much information as Jersey was.

"Who? What are you guys-" Scott didn't get to finish before Lydia interjected. 

"He has to be here!" Lydia stated. "That sound, the buzzing I've been hearing, it's getting louder."

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