Act I (Romano X Reader)

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Act I (Romano X Reader)

"Ciao! Feli!" You knocked against a famaliar door. Once again you were at your friends house, Feli's to be exact. After all he left his white flags at your house after a small party you had. And quite frankly you were getting of tired of tripping over them so being a good friend you were you brought them over to his place. But little did you know Feli wasn't there today only his older brother, Romano, was. Since you didn't hear anything for a few minutes you tried knocking again only to stop mid-knock as the door opened revealing a rather sleepy looking man. Confused, you blinked a few times before ajusting the box you held in your arms as you smiled nervously at the new guy.

"Um, this is the Vargas recidence, right?" You asked trying not to panic.

"Si," The guy nodded only to lean against the frame with his hands in his pockets while yawning. "Feliciano isn't here right now..."

"Oh," Was all you could muster as your heart sank a little. You were kind of excited to see him again but apprently that wasn't going to happen now. A few seconds later you heard a rather annoyed sigh causing you to return your gaze back to the man. He was giving you an annoyed expression only to quickly look you up and down obviously checking you out.

"Is that all you wanted?" He raised an eyebrow. "If that's all, you can leave. You interrupted a very nice siesta of mine..."

"Huh?" You blinked a few times before it slowly dawned on you. This must be Feli's brother! You didn't even remember that he told you that he had an older brother until now and apparently the tales of him being a dick is quite true. So with a small smile and nod you handed out the box to him. He raised another eyebrow obviously not getting your clue. "Could you please give these to Feli for me? Since he wasn't here today and I really don't want to drag them all over the place now..."

"Why?" He straightened up watching you. You relaxed your outstretched arms only to raise your own eyebrows at him.

"Why not?" You questioned. "I'm went through all of this trouble and you're not even going to lift a finger?"

"Mm, nope," He shrugged before turning his attentino back inside obviously wanting to go back in. You have to say he was very attrative looking but his attitude was ruining everything so with a huff and a puff you marched up to him and shoved the box into his hands before turning around and marched down the street mumbling to yourself. He watched you with rather surprised eyes only to shrug his shoulders once more walking back inside his house. Once inside he closed the door with his leg only to walk over to the kitchen setting the box down with a grunt.

(Romano's POV)

"What's with that ragazza, anyway?" I picked up a white flag within the cardboard box only to sigh. "Stupid fratello, making white flags like this and leaving them at someone else's house..."

I quickly threw the flag back in only to walk out into the living room trying to figure out what to do next when all of the sudden I heard another series of loud knocks on the door again. With a growl of annoyance I walked over to the door and opened it with a frown. My eyes widen a bit from upon seeing the weird girl tensed up figure in front of me.

"Oi! What are you doing here again?" I furrowed my eyebrows together. But before I could even open my mouth again she pushed threw into my house and started to look around with a rather annoyed expressin. "What the hell!? What do you think you're doing, stupid ragazza..."

"Hey! Don't call me that!" She suddenly turned on me with pointing fingers. "I'm not stupid! And I'm not a little girl!"

"I never said you were little..." My eyebrow twitched. "But you can't just barge into my house like that!"

Tsundere Burns:  (Romano X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now