-Lonely Heart [Male]-

75 1 14

Raza Vanmerian

·°|Meaning of Name|°·
Raza means contentment. (I'm pretty sure I made Vanmerian up.)


Looks 18, but actually is over a thousand years old.

Vampire (Humans to others)

× Transforming: He can shift into a bat at any point in time.
× Hypnosis: He can easily hypnotize others, but he tries his best no to do that.
× Immortality: He considers this more of a curse then anything, but he can't change it unless he attempts something rather dumb.

·°|Date of Birth|°·
March 12th



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·°|Physique/Description of Looks|°·Raza is a rather muscular guy

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·°|Physique/Description of Looks|°·
Raza is a rather muscular guy. He's not as muscular as body builders, but probably above the average needed. He also has several tattoos littering his skin. Most of them are written in symbols that no one can understand anymore. The meanings of these tattoos is that they're the names of all the people he's loved over the years. They practically litter almost every where across his torso, and most people leave because he never explains them. He has steely blue eyes that never seem to shimmer. It's as if their warmth had faded a long time ago. He also has curly dark brown hair. It frames his face, and often times it's in utter chaos. It's only ever tamed if he decides to care... Which generally is never.
He's also littered with scars. Most of them are just a faded white color at this point, but there are a few that are still a bright pink. One very specific one being right across his palm. It catches most people's eyes, but he doesn't understand why.

·°|Personality Overview|°·
Raza is an enigma to some people. He hardly interacts with others, but when he does he's rather polite. He seems to be perfect whenever he's out in public. He puts on this charming smile, and spends the night winning the heart of strangers. Male or Female. He'll go on about all these things he's passionate about or how his mother died at a young age, but the next day no one can see him. In fact, most people can't recall him at all. There are very few people who Raza attatches to, but when he does he's clingy and possessive. His anxiety leads him to believe that everyone will leave. That they'll all be gone or will leave him. He's just a boy. A boy terrified of the living, and unsure of what lies ahead.

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