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I watch her head tilt up from a distance as I watch the smoke cloud mould into the air making it cloudy. Her body rests on the wreckage of the fallen tree.

The dim light reflects off her skin making it a pale almost blue kind of colour. She knows I'm here she just doesn't expect that I'm as close as I should be.

The weeds and twigs occasionally get caught up in her fish net tights. Her head searches her unknown surroundings every time a wild rabbit or fox Russell's the bushes.

"I know your here Grayson" he cold shaky voice startled me from my mesmerising thoughts. I slowly stand up feeling the branches crunch under my feet.

"And I'm guessing you know exactly why I followed you" I ask knowing she knows the answer. Maybe a little too well.

"You can't let me go back, he scares me" she says backing away slowly
I mirror her footsteps in hope to catch her plan to escape.

"You don't have a choice Orion. I'm sorry but it's the way it has to be now come on it's getting late" she looks at me with watery eyes before hurling her body towards a open exit. I run after her watching as her body becomes tired.

She fights the urge to give up. Her body hurling backwards as her head every now and then snaps its way backwards to check if I'm there. I know the drill she will fall soon into an open rabbit hole or trip over her own feet. It's what you expect in a normal forest chase or movie.

Just as I expected Orion trips scraping her knee off a tree stump. The blood falls down her leg. Without hesitation she gets back up and proceeds to try and run but her leg slows her down. She's running only she's not as fast as before.

Within a couple more minutes I finally catch her. Pinning her up against the tree, our noses only inches away from each other. A sudden movement is made and my nose begins to ache. She's head butted me only knocking herself out.

I pick her up slinging her over my shoulder like a rich woman throwing on her latest fox scarf. Her body drops over my shoulders flopping around as I walk.

Her heavy breaths and twigs crunching are the only sounds I can hear other than the odd bird here and there. After a 36 minuet wall we finally arrive at my ford bronco.

I lay her down in the back seat wrapping her up in duck tape before placing a soft pillow under her head and a duvet to cover her goosebump infested body.

I hop into my car and turn on the ignition. As I begin driving my phone starts vibrating following along the chime of my I phone.

"Ethan Dolan is calling" my phone repeats I slide my finger across it and put it on speaker

" Do you have her?" His voice rings through the speaker

"Well hello to you too Ethan" I say slightly pissed off

"I don't have time for this! Do you have Orion or not?" He snaps

"Yeah I do but I think im going to keep her with me for a while" I snarl back before ending the call cutting off anything Ethan was about to say

I drive off to one of my many private houses. Only this time to one nobody only me knows about. I pull up into my drive way and turn off my engine. I open my door slamming it shut before walking towards the back door and repeating the same process.

I grab Orion and take her into my house placing her onto my leather sofa. Her eyes tighten before releasing slowly opening. She begins to panic but the tape around her arms legs and mouth restrict her from moving and saying a word.

Tears slowly role down her cheeks as she finally excepts that she's into deep and there's no going back.
I slowly walk over to her and peel off the tape. I watch as she winces at my touch, it's as if she thinks I'm going to hurt her.

"Don't worry I'm not going to hurt you" I reassure her.

"Where are we?" She questions worry fills her face and her voice. I know she's scared.

"We're at my place" I tell her blankly

"Aren't you going to give me back to Ethan?" She panics

"No there's been a change of plan. Now let's get you cleaned up your making my house look untidy" I say coldly

"Well Untie me then how the fuck am I supposed to get cleaned up if I can't move?" I don't know what happened but I soon found myself grabbing onto her face tightly pulling her close to mine.

"You want to watch how you speak to me" I snap" this is my house and you will respect and talk to me in the right manner, or I will fucking hurt you" I say through gritted teeth

Her face loses colour and I now know she's even more scared than before. I cut the tape and grab the first aid box. I take out a wipe and begin cleaning up the blood. Once she's cleaned and refreshed I grab a bandaid and wrap it around her busted wound.

I grab one of my t-shirts and some of my Ex dead girlfriends new Calvin's and hand them to her for her to change into. Once she's done I give her the guest room and I take my bed.

What a fucking day

Ghost forest {Dolan twins}Where stories live. Discover now