Chapter 2 - Her Day

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It was 7 in the morning on a Saturday and Violet woke up abruptly, grabbed her bags and rushed out the door to Ashley's house, not bothering to say goodbye to her sleeping parents. Violet trotted up to Ashley's door and knocked. "Ashley!!!" She yelled in excitement. There was no answer. She tried the door and to her surprise it was unlocked. She walked in and skipped to Ashely's room which she had been many times. She opened the door silently, tiptoed over to the sleeping Ashley and pounced onto her back, jerking her awake. "What the...?" Ashley opened her eyes slowly and Violet got off. "Today is Warped Tour, silly!" She cackled, "we're seeing Dahvieee.." Ashley's eyes lit up as she smiled. She jumped out of bed, her and Violet got ready to leave.

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