♧ sketchy choy ♧

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Hey, just wanted to say thank you for all those lovely encouraging comments last chapter, that kind of thing really boosts my confidence & motivation <3 <3

So I've done some sketchy faces just to show you what I can do at the moment hahaaa

So I've done some sketchy faces just to show you what I can do at the moment hahaaa

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what are you talking about I am having no issues with my signature

The most recent was the kid in the upper right corner
--he needs a haircut--
the others were done on the same day

a while ago ,:T

Oh yeah and that
that in the middle
that's bok choy
look it up
it's a green vegetable but it's really sweet & yummy and a bit crunchy if cooked lightly but it can be soft + tender if it's cooked fo—

enough with the cooking lesson 🥘

Ok so looking at that
I wanted to know if I should post the create a character thing now or wait until I'm better or somethingg...??

Anyway I'm just going to post this and hope someone replies yayy

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