Chapter 1

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His blood and flesh coated my lips with its ropey gore staining my teeth with his crimson as it trickled its way down my body. The feeling was sickening,but my tears wouldn't stop kicking in.

Interlacing my throat, the thick twine of rope grinded against the raw swollen skin that concealed itself under its roping spine. My breath staggered and hoarse,whimpered for air. Dangling willingly above hell's door from the thick cords of rope around my neck, I taste his flesh.

Low groans mimicked the voices in my pained ears, as blood smeared across the hand that saged deadly towards mine. Dangling from the thick wire tangling around his throat gore soaked his shredded shirt.His once dark orbs glossed with vacancy,gurgled as skin pried itself from his muscles,only to sway from his body.Soft giggles erupted from corners only to be silenced by the chains and locks of the school's gates. Awaiting for us amongst locked doors we became hell's prey they had killed Alex and I was to be it's next victim. A homicide hidden in silenced wrist,remained a throat that was slit,so pure so pure and clean. Oh why him, I was his queen. Forcing me to eat his flesh his soul fled,to an eternal rest.

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