Chapter 4

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" Hell is empty.All the devils are here."he quoted from the tempest, William Shakespeare

He smiled daringly,testing me."Do me a favor let me kill you dear."

"Darkness serpent only to be reborn,lace your head in its thorns,kill me and I will rise back. Only to repay you in debt. Kill me now love,and pay the price of a eternal rest." Slashing the blades of his hands against my head, a smile plastered my lips suffocating my last breath. Blood seeped through the weak floors as my body sunk to the ground. My decapitated head rolled around only to be sucked into the mental cans,the lockers. Shutting itself, I awaited.

Waiting to be unlocked one day,only to repay those who seek- for the weak with all the painful curses of hell's eternal sleep.

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