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Private Messages

Jeremy Renner [ Real Father💯 ]
Valentina Valdez [ Oldest Daughter 🌙 ]

Real Father💯
Happy birthday Valentina! You have truly become like my second daughter through us working together. I am in awe of what an incredible woman you are. I love you so much! 💚💚💚💚

Oldest Daughter🌙
Father! I love you! Thank you for being the father figure during those months of filming and until this day. 💗💗

Scarlett Johansson [Basically My Mom👩‍👧]
Valentina Valdez [Dancing Daughter💃🏻]

Basically My Mom👩‍👧
Today you turn 19 and honestly I feel like I've known for a lot longer than a year. You are a sweetheart with the greatest heart and strongest spirit. I love you so much Vale! Here's to many more years of happiness and success 🥂💘

Dancing Daughter💃🏻
Scar😭😭 I love you! Thank you so much, I feel like you've been my mom my whole life.

Don Cheadle [ Wisest Man I Know🏆]
Valentina Valdez [Dancing Queen👑]

Wisest Man I Know🏆
Happy birthday Valentina! You are an incredible person and I know that this is just the beginning for you ♥️

Dancing Queen👑
Thank you so much! 💖💖💖

Paul Rudd [Auntie Panties🙎🏻‍♂️]
Valentina Valdez [Chef of the Year👩🏻‍🍳]

Auntie Panties🙎🏻‍♂️
It's the day of your birth. Good job. You're tolerable. Love you.

Chef of the Year👩🏻‍🍳
Much thanks. I also love you.

Chadwick Boseman [Epitome of Zen🧘🏿‍♂️]
Valentina Valdez [Sister Sister🌺]

Epitome of Zen🧘🏿‍♂️
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO A REAL LIFE QUEEN! I love you little one and I'm proud to know you 💗

Sister Sister🌺
Wow. I love you too. Thank you!!! 💚💚

Paul Bettany [Mr. Steal Your Girl🕶]
Valentina Valdez [Vale Valde🎀]

Mr. Steal Your Girl🕶
Hope your day is full of laughter and fun. Happy birthday little one ♥️♥️

Vale Valde🎀
This made me incredibly happy. Thank you! 💘💘💘

Mark Ruffalo [The Smart One🧠]
Valentina Valdez [Little One🌷]

The Smart One🧠
Happy Birthday Valentina! I am so glad to have met you and see you grow and watch you own a world that is not so easily owned. Love you!

Little One🌷
Love you Mark! 💕😭 Legit crying, thank you!!!

Robert Downey Jr [Cash Money Father💰]
Valentina Valdez [Daughter🌹❤️]

Cash Money Father💰
Happiest of birthdays to you Valentina! I love you and I am excited to see you grow in success and in life. Here's to 19 🥂

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