Chapter 3: Mitch Meets Sierra

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After walking for about thirty minutes, I met up with my dad back on the streets. He realized something happened when I didnt show up, and himself and three other cars started looking for me. They all stopped when they saw me, and my dad ran over to me.

"Oh my, Jerome! What happened?" He asked, everyone else came over.

"I saw her..." I said, they all gasped. "She saved my life. The boat got swallowed by a wave, and she saved my life. She took her Ecrom thing, and we had a conversation."

"What did she say?!" One of them asked.

"She said that she wasnt Princess Sierra Ocean, even though she was, and she took her necklace, and dived back into the water," I explained.

"Did she have human legs? Or a tail?" My dad asked.

"When she was on shore she had legs, but when she went back into the water, she had a blue shimmering tail," I answered.

"Thats it?" He asked.

"Yeah, but... she smiled at me. Like, a really pretty and sweet smile.. It was beautiful, can I go back and see her tomorrow?" I asked.

"If you want to take her crown and offer it to her, then keep meeting up with her and asking if we can keep her safe, then fine," My dad said.

"Alright, cool. Can you drive me to go see TC?" I asked.

"What the hell is TC?" he asked.

"Mitch, Adam, Ty, my friends," I answered.

"Okay fine," He agreed.

After driving for a while, I showed up at the Team Crafted house. The lights were on, so they were home. I thanked my dad for the ride as I got out and he took off. I knocked on the door, and i heard footsteps. Soon enough, Jason opened the door and let me in.

"Guys! Jerome's here!" he announced, everyone in TC came downstairs and greeted me.

"Hey Jerome! Hows your dads?" Mitch asked.

"Actually, amazing! Guess what they're studying," I said.

"What?" Ty asked.

"Mermaids. Before you start laughing, they're real. Because I talked to one," I said, the guys all gasped.

"Who?" Adam asked.

"Her name was Sierra. I had to return her necklace, and she thanked me," I replied. "Im going back to see her tomorrow."

"Can we come?!" TC all asked at once.

"I just met her! When I see her again, Ill probally only take on of you, then once Sierra and I are friends, I'll take all of you guys," I explained.

"Ill go!" Mitch exclaimed.

"Alright, Im going back tonight to give it to her. Wanna come?" I asked. Mitch noded his head.

-10:30 PM-

"Ready?" I whispered to Mitch as we attached the boat to the end of his truck.

"Yeah, lets go," He answered. We had to sneak a boat from the science lab to take to the ocean. We started driving to Long Beach.

"So, how are we doing this?" He asked.

"We'll hang out where Sierra found me, and call her. If she answers, we'll talk to her and give her the crown," I answered. He nodded his head and we continued to drive. Soon enough, we got the boat in the water and we started to drive off. Twenty minutes later, we got to the place and I stood up and opened the silver box we took.

"What's that?" Mitch asked.

"Her crown," I answered, taking it out of the box.

"Why give it to her? Sell it on Ebay," Mitch said, causing us to laugh.

"Sierra! Sierra Ocean!" I called, cuffing my mouth with my hands.

"Who's Sierra?" Mitch asked.

"Shes the mermaid. Help me call her," I answered. He shrugged and stood up, then started to call her name with me.

"Sierra! We have your, um.. crown, thingy!" Mitch stuttered.

About a minute later, we saw someones head pop up from the ocean. I noticed her and waved, she slightly waved back.

"Sierra its Jerome!" I called. She looked happy, then started swimming towards us. She popped up from the water as Mitch and I knelt down to her.

"Sierra, this is Mitch, my friend," I introduced.

"Hey," Mitch said.

"Hi," Sierra said sweetly back.

"So, Sierra, I believe this belongs to you," I said, handing her back the crown. She smiled at me, then took the crown.

"Jerome! I've been looking for this for forever! Thank you!" She exclaimed. "How can I ever repay you?"

"Well, my friends kinda want to meet you. Is that okay?" I asked.

"Of course, I'd love to meet them. Meet me back here tomorrow at the same time, okay?" Sierra said.

"Great. Thanks Sierra," I said.

"Alright. I hope to see you guys again," She said. She then waved her index finger around in a circle, and the water below her rised her up until we were face-to-face. And she kissed me. She kissed me cheek, before diving back off into the water.

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