Part 1

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Maya strolled the familiar pavement to her destination. She knew she had to take the back alley just to avoid the chaos. It was the cost she had to pay. It was worth it before. However, she wasn't sure about it these days. Is it wrong for her to wonder what's worth it for her now after all this while?

When Maya almost reached her destination, she shoots her a text saying she's nearby. There came two buff guys to escort her and kept her safe going inside the ice cream shop. 

"Where is she?" She heard her own voice asking one of the guys. 

"She'll be here once you're settled in." Maya just nodded her head. Typical of her.

She sat on one of the booths in the shop. There was no one here except the sales promoter of this ice cream shop - gawking at her. Perhaps wondering why she was being escorted and why the shop has to be closed for the sake of a mere commoner like her. 

Although this is an ice cream shop, there was nothing joyful in this shop except maybe for the ice cream. Other than that, the interior was boring. Typical red leather booths with checkered black and white floor tiles and the table as well. Maya thought maybe this is the nearest place from her workplace. That's why she choose this place. What got her irritated was the windows of this shop is transparent. No tinted window. She could see the crowd took photographs of her. She could hear they shouted for her to look at their camera and smile. What a sight. Sigh. 

Then, she heard it. The crowd roared. Maya knew that she is coming. She prepares herself for it. Soon enough, she was opening the door to the shop. She could see the ice cream sales promoter gaped. 

"Fur coat? Really?" She heard herself asked, amused. 

"It's not real." She grinned. She took steps to her. "Hi, babe."

"Hi." She engulfed her in a hug. Before she could kiss her, she hastily sits in the booth that she had occupied earlier. She stared at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"Hey. What's wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing's wrong. I'm fine." Maya plastered her a fake smile. Something she has learnt throughout being in this relationship - faking it for the world to see. "Why do you want to see me?"

"I can't see my girlfriend anymore? Do I need a reason just to see you?"



"I was just asking." She said whilst threw her gaze at the sales promoter and smiled. Though, the sales promoter seems like to lose himself any minute now.

"Why didn't you reply to any of my messages?"

"I did."

"No, you didn't. I have to literally beg to meet you. You never home anymore. I have waited for 3 days in your own apartment. And, you are not there. Where have you been?"


"Why are you like this, Maya?"

"Why can't I? You can do it, right? Disappear for months and coming here like nothing has happened."

"I'm not here because of work and you know that!" She plastered a smile and kept her tone in control eventhough her temper slowly arose. Maya knew it. She knows her perfectly, unfortunately.

"How long will you be gone now?" 

"Three months."

She chuckled, "You're here just because you want to tell me you'll be going away again, right? Where have you been for the last two weeks?"


"Don't even think to come up with a lie to me, Lay. It's in the news. The gossip channel. Even if I ask a kindergartner, she will know where have you been." Maya kept her smile even if she almost... Almost broke down in tears. 

"Then, what's the point I answer your question?" Laysa asked, nonchalantly.

"I can't do this anymore." Maya smiled and shook her head. From the world outside, they looked like a happy couple laughing and talking useless things. However, deep down - both of them are crumbling and they both know it.

"Do what?"

"Us. I can't do us anymore. It's been two years now..."

"Are you breaking up with me?"

"Yes." Maya muttered, firmly. She smiled and grabbed her small backpack before pecking Laysa's forehead. She strode out the ice cream shop, even if the crowd are getting nasty, she felt the burden was lifted and she was free again. She smiled at the world before took her steps to her home. She can finally go home. 

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