Part 2

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These are exclusive footages of the super celebrity, Laysa Marco's girlfriend getting cosy with someone new. Is it a romance we see here? How about our girl, Laysa? Does Laysa is still together with her three years old girlfriend, Maya Rose? Why are we having a footage of she with someone new? Looks like a budding romance. But, perhaps, just a good friend? Who knows? 

Laysa nor Maya ever kept their relationship a secret even in the past. But what happens now? Are they still together? Our sources said that they are still going strong. Maysa is still alive. Tuned and subscribed for more  Maysa in the future!

"Can I walk you home?"

"No need. I know my way back home, silly."

"I just want to."


They walked in silence. Maya giggled whenever her companion goofing around. She loves that about her companion. Her companion knows how to get her to laugh even if it is a silly joke. Finally, she let herself follow the flow and be chirpy. She let herself feel again.

"Here I am." She stood in front of her apartment door - beaming.

"Well, here you are, Maya..." Her companion smiled, "I had fun today."

"Me too, Carol." They got a little closer and Carol determined to get her kiss today. She's been dying to taste those full plump lips on her that she has been staring all day today. Maya leaned in and just before their lips grazed one another, Maya's front door apartment opens.

Both of them jolted and away from each other due to the surprise. They didn't expect someone to be inside the house.

"I thought you live by yourself?" She heard Carol asked.

"I did."

"Guess you have a company?"

"That I wasn't aware of, apparently. Do you want to come inside for a bit?" Maya invited. Before Carol could say no or even any reply whatsoever, she was being pulled inside.

The moment they're inside, they could smell some delicious meal being cooked.

"Have a seat, girls."

Maya knew who has the key to her apartment. Hence, the reason she invited Carol inside her apartment. "What are you doing here?"

Carol gaped the moment she saw who it was cooking and serving the meal on the plate. "That's... That's..."

"How rude of me. I am Laysa. A friend of Maya. She never told you about me?" She smiled much to Maya annoyance. Pointing and narrowing her eyes at Maya, Laysa said, "How rude of you."

"I asked you a question, Laysa Marco."

"Oh shit. She got her stern voice on." Laysa giggled. Focusing her eyes on Maya before threw a glance at her companion. "Have a seat... I didn't get your name." 

However, before Carol could answer her, Laysa interjected, "Nevermind. Not important."

Laysa took a seat on the stool at the island table situated in the middle of the kitchen. She smiled urged both Carol and Maya to take a seat joining her as well despite Maya protests.

"Hey, Carol. Maybe I will see you later. I'll call you, okay?" Maya spoke softly almost whispering hoping Laysa couldn't hear her. But, to Maya dismay - she did.

"Why so fast? I didn't get the chance to know your girlfriend."

"We are no-" Maya immediately ushered more like pushed Carol to the front door of her apartment before peck a kiss on Carol's cheek and give her an assurance smile before proceed closing the door once she saw Carol took her steps to the elevator. Sigh. She turned towards her uninvited guest and took a seat opposite to Laysa.


"About what?" Laysa asked. Feigning her innocence.

"Why are you here?"

"She's prettier in the magazines. Not so much in person. Wait! Doesn't she read one? She should know by now. No one told her?"

"She's not like that."

"How boring..." Laysa answers triggered something in Maya to snap. Her irritation got the best of her. However, she tried to be mature about this and calm herself. "But, she seems to know who I was? Why won't she know who you are, though? You are equal to the celebrity anyway-"

"Why are you here, Lay? For real."

"I saw it."


"The news." Laysa twirled the pasta and slowly consume it whilst kept her gaze on the gorgeous girl in front of her. "Are you guys dating?"

"None of your concern. I thought by now you have resolved to tell the world that we are not together anymore. Why didn't you?"

" 'Cause we aren't."


"No. I want you back. I don't want to lose you. I promise I will change. I won't do all those things anymore. I won't hurt you anymore. I promise."

"For two years, Lay!" Maya shouted. She just couldn't take this anymore. Maya was tired of how Laysa thinks she could crawl her life back into hers without thinking the consequences or kept even tried to actually keep her promises. It's all end up going to a garbage bin. "Two years that you've said you will change!"

"I..." Maya raised a finger for Laysa to stop talking. Laysa knows when she did so, she was in danger. Thus, she should stop talking now.

"I waited for you to come home. Nothing. You've said this and that. It's all become empty promises. Do you know how badly you've treated me? How broken I was?"

"Three months to get over me, really?" Laysa dared herself to ask.

"It's none of your concern whether I am over you or not."

"Are you sure? 'Cause we've been together for five years, Aya. It-"

"Don't call me that! You don't deserve it anymore!" Maya interjected. She despised the sobriquet even more now that Laysa simply utters it without any thoughts of their current non-existent relationship.

"Maya, even if the press doesn't know our relationship for two years before... It doesn't mean we don't have any meaning to each other. I still love you."

"I have loved you," Maya said. Her eyes gleaming with tears. Laysa's heart fell. She doesn't know what she has done. "I did. I give all my heart to you. Every last bit of it. The rest of it... I use it to forget about you."


"Loved." Maya determined. Seeing that Laysa won't utter any single word further, Maya continues, "I'm exhausted. I'm going to bed. Help yourself out. You know the way."

As Maya slowly took off her jacket, Laysa eyes lingered on her body. She missed that body - the warmth and the natural scent. How she wished she didn't screw up and longed for it to hug her. She hung herself low. This couldn't be the end of them, she thought. She loves Maya too much to walk away from her.

She makes herself comfortable on the sofa before heading straight to Maya's bedroom. She helped herself in when Maya was in her underwear. Maya turned herself back to the door to see Laysa's most devastated face. Her true self.

"I love you so much, baby." Maya witnessed Laysa true tears dropped. One by one. Her heart fell by the sight of it. She sighed whilst walking slowly captured Laysa into her arms.

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