Grandma Boobs

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Heyooo, hope you guys enjoy my story it's my very first one yayyyy,if you spot a mistake please let me know and I'll get right to it,byeee guyssss.-XOXO LISA


"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8...alright 3 more times then practice is over you losers"

I groan as we get back in formation.I get to my place to see Rian eyeing Lucas the golden boy of the school as he run laps around the perimeter of the field.The whole squad is waiting impatiently while our captain is currently eye fucking that poor boy.

About 5 minuets later Luke is finally done and Rian is currently perking up her grandma boobs as she walks over to him,with the tiniest shorts and crop top ever,it's so gross,gag me with a spoon ew.(Comment if you know where that's from😂)

As she slowly walks over there she looks like a predator stalking its prey.After what felt like hours she finally makes it over there and rubs her blood red press on nails up and down his arm as she attempts to flirt I'm guessing,and begin talking most likely asking him out,then he says says something 'funny' and she begins to laugh like a hyena.

After a few they both began to walk back to us with his arm over her shoulder and as if the lord heard my prayers she opened her plastic lips and began talking.

"So since you whor- girls did so good today" she puts on a fake smile "I'm letting you all off early,bye girls hope to see you guys tomorrow" she looks kinda constipated in the face I can tell it was really hard for her to say all that instead of call us sluts and whores and bitch.

I know I know why is she the captain still and why hasn't anyone told,well sadly our principal is her dad,yes I said dad,so every time someone files a complaint she makes the really shitty face which is supposed to be 'sad puppy dog eyes' and says these exact words 'Sowwy daddy I wasn't trying to me mean I was just trying to help' and he falls for it every time and says 'it's okay sweetheart'.

Well enough about her I need to get home and watch Greys Anatomy. Walking to my car I grab my phone out and scroll down my Instagram feed to see what's new.

I'm halfway to my car then someone grabs me and cover my eyes with their hands,and my first instinct is to fight back.

I know it's a guy because of how strong they are and because how rough his hands are and I grab his balls and squeeze the life out of them then he lets my eyes go and falls over in pain as I turn around to kick his balls and I see my best friend Liam and sigh in relief.

"Damn girl you really know how to put up a fight" he strains out as he holds his you know what.

I reach down to help him up "what the hell was that Li (pronounced Lee btw)"

"I had to know if my best friend could take care of herself while I was away"

"Well then mission accomplished"

"Well at least I don't have to worry about anything happening to you"

"Thanks to you best friend"I stated with a smile poking his arm.

"Aweeeee don't make me blush best friend"

I laughed quietly "I'm really gonna miss you best friend".

"Aweee the feelings mutual best friend but you'll still have Remi"

"Yeah your right"I look down.

"Okay enough with the sappy stuff,movie night?"

"Yasssssss best frienddddd"

Hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter,please vote and comment,don't be a silent reader-XOXO LISA

639 words

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