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Always on the other side
I dipped my fingers into a cloud
Just to get a taste of the forbidden ride

Inhaling deep, I breathed it in
The scent of air beyond where i can reach
And for a moment I felt the sunlight on my skin

The melody consumed me
My body moved to the rhythm
My shoulders poppin to the beat

And for a moment, tho my feet never left the floor
The scenes around me changed
I brought a piece of wonderland to me thru the door

My steps dont line up anymore
My hair sways in wind nobody else feels
Maybe one day my story will become fantasy or lore

My words tell stories nobody can understand
My dreams whispers wishes nobody can grant
A part of my soul must be lost in neverland

I dont want it back
Let it continue to wander
Amnesiac, nymphomaniac, megalomaniac, insomniac

Ooh, did I really just go there
Maybe I did
Just a hint of madness without care

But the cat said we're all mad here
I know I'm crazy, but Alice said all the best people are
To you, I bet even my rhymes are unclear

You can't follow where i go
Youre always on the other side
You cant dance to my tune or play a part in my show

I was just a puppet at the start
Stumbling in a make-shift cardboard box
Strings being pulled to make me play a part

But the strings got tangles, i pulled and they broke
The art became the artist
The dreamer awoke

I made the box my own
I control the colors, dances, and songs
The once chained jester now seated upon the throne...

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