Chapter 5

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I pulled up onto the driveway outside the house. I put the vehicle in park and turned the engine off. I step out of the car and grab my belongings and head to the door. I unlock the door and step inside the house.

"Where have you been?" I haven't even taken my shoes off yet and I'm already being questioned. Great.

"I was with my friend." I respond closing the door behind me as I swiftly take off my shoes and make my way towards the kitchen.

"Where's Grayson?"

"I thought he'd be home by now."

"You didn't pick him up?"

"I went but he said his friends mom picked him and a couple of the other boys up and give them a ride home."

"I swear one of these days, that boy is going to get a long lecture from me."


"Cause he does what he wants to. I specifically told him you will be picking him up and that he can not go with his friends, yet he went."

"He didn't tell me that."

"Of course he didn't." Right then Grayson walked into the house. He saw me and dad and tried to escape by running towards the stairs. "YOU! FREEZE!" Dad said. He immediately turned around and faced dad.

"What?" He asked grumpily.

"Do not take that attitude up with me mister." He rolled his eyes and groaned.

"Just get to the point."

"Who told you you were allowed to go with your friends?"

"I did."

"Excuse me? Young man, just because your mother and I don't stop you from doing what you want, does not give you the full freedom to use us. When I said you can't go, that means you can't go. Next time you pull a stunt like this and I swear-

"What? You'll kick me out? You're too much of a wuss to do that." Dad was pretty steamed at this point, but before he had the opportunity to say anything back, Grayson ran off upstairs.

"What the hell has gotten into that boy?" I just shrug and raise my eyebrows. "He thinks he can just talk to me that way and walk away! That boy has no manners. It's time he learns some."

"How do you plan on doing that?"

"I don't have any ideas right now, but I'll come up with something." I just nod my head.

"Well I'm going to head on to my room and finish my homework. What time does mom get home at?"

"Another hour or so."

"What's for dinner by the way."

"Beats me. You're mother said she'll cook something when she gets home."

"Okay." I grab my bag and walk up to my room. I turn on the light in the room, setting down my bag next to the table on the right side.  I sit on my bed, and dial Noah's number on my phone. I debate whether to call him or not. After a moment of hesitation, I hit the dial button. The line rings twice before he answers. Neither of us spoke for a couple of seconds. "Hey, it's Alisha."

"Oh hey! Finally reached home."

"Yea." We chatted on for a while after we checked upon each other, and made sure everything was okay. About an hour later, I hung up the call, and checked the messages from Malissa.

Malissa: 'Girl! Call me.'
'Alisha! I need to tell you something important.'
'Are you okay?'
'OMG respond!!'
'Ugh. Whatever. Bye.'

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