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Jaeyoon put down his phone and started his shift. He checked the time, Inseong should be here in 7 minutes and 4 seconds.

He comes in everyday and requests for Jaeyoon to serve him. All the other staff tease Jaeyoon about this but he doesnt mind. He thinks Inseong is kind of cute.

Of course he is not gay though so the only time Inseong asked him on a date he rejected him. Inseong didn't come for a while after that day but Jaeyoon wonders if he could live without his classic cappuccino drink at all.

After serving a few customers Isneong came in with his friend who was apparently called Seokwoo.

He could tell because of his gamer tag.

That and the fact he knows Youngbin and they are friends.

Inseong stumbled up to the front desk, he was about to talk when Jaeyoon beat him to it "One medium classic cappuccino to stay in".

Jaeyoon saw Inseong smile as he shoved the precise amount over the counter and went to wait for his drink with his friend trailing behind him.

As Jaeyoon was getting his drink ready he felt something vibrate in his pocket and he noticed that Inseong had created a new chat.

His work mate Sanghyuk peered over his shoulder and saw the messages "A SFBot chat? Oh add me in please" he begged like a young child.

Jaeyoon slowly nodded but whispered something in his ear "But Inseong is in that chat and I don't want him knowing its me so don't say anything okay".

Sanghyuk smiled deviously "Don't worry I wont tell your boyfriend". The other scrunched his nose "You might be a gay little prick but I'm not".

"Hey!" He shouted- a tad bit too loud- and smacked him in the arm lightly.

Inseong looked up for a second and caught Jaeyoon's eyes but they were quickly averted.


:,) I promise ill try and put more Rochan in here

Written date: 14th March 2018
Published date: 25th March 2018

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