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"Chanhee, someones at the door for you"

Chanhee put his phone in his pocket and walked towards the door.

He couldn't think of who it could be. He hardly knew anyone appart from Taeyang and Youngkyun in real life. It was then when his heart started racing... what about if its Seokwoo? What about if Chanhee left his location on? And now Seokwoo is here and-

"Thank you for letting me in" Juho. It was Juho.

Chanhee was filled with mixed emotions as Juho strolled round the corner and almost walked straight into him "Ah hello. We need to talk" he said in a serious tone, dangerously close to Chanhee.

When Chanhee didn't answer he grabbed Chanhee's arm and lead him down the hallway.

And then the ice broke. And Chanhee's voice was free "Follow me to my bedroom. So that they don't hear us" he whispered and started rushing up a staircase. Juho followed as commanded.

Once Juho was in the room, Chanhee slammed shut the door and turned around to face Juho. Neither of them knew which they found scarier.

"Why are you here?" Chanhee growled. Juho still kept his calm persona
"I am here for good reason. Why are you contacting Seokwoo again?" He asked.

Pausing for a few seconds, Chanhee hesitantly replied "I didn't know it was him at first and when I found out I didn't want to go away and besides it was more my fault than his and I just" his voice trailed off and evaporated into the air.

Only Juho could translate what he was saying and break the spell "You still love him" Juho sighed.

Chanhee slowly nodded, coming to that conclusion himself "I think so and its stupid because he used me but hes changed" he defended.

"Well thats all I needed to know" Juho said, standing up and reaching for the door.

"Wait," Chanhee shouted, a bit too loud but it was heard nonetheless "Can we go out and get coffee together or like hang out like we used to sometime?".

Juho turned around to look at him with a sad look in his eyes "No, we cant. Your famous now" and then he left the room.

And Chanhee didn't even stop him.


Now I just need to see SF9 and I can die happy but seriously it was amazing.

Okay bue

Written/ published date: 19th June 2018

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