Chapter 2: Lunatic Priest

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A/N: Should I do a Marvel X Bill Cipher reader or dc?

3rd pov

You watched as Rias slapped Kiba, he wasn't focused and it was obvious something was bothering him. You rushed over to and asked. "Hey you okay?" He didn't respond but looked at the ground. "Yeah" Kiba finally replied and instantly you knew he was lying. You didn't want to bother him and let him have sometime to think and walked back to everyone else. "Is something wrong with him?" Issei asked worried. "I can tell something is bother him...but I just can't put my finger to it" You replied back getting nods from the devils. "I suggest we let him have sometime alone" You added.

Everyone was currently inside of Issei's house. "I extended the house so you guys can have rooms" Rias said to you and Towa. "Thanks!" You replied, Towa didn't say anything but stayed close by your side. "Well I'll be in the room, if guys need me you know where to find me" You chirped and went inside the room closing the door. Plopping on the bed you thought to yourself. "I should follow him" Not wanting him to get hurt since Rias had informed you about the exorcists and priests. You created a fake clone of yourself and left it in the room before jumping out the window and following Kiba's energy.

You followed him in the shadows, he was walking and not really talking. Just as you were about to leave you herd someone's voice. "Well, well, well, if it isn't a scumbag playboy devil" The persons voice made it sound like the guy was crazy. You got ready to fight just Incase but continued to watch the two talk. "Freed Sellzmen, So have you been hiding in town?" Kiba asked, venom was clear in his voice. "Staying here was getting so boring" The guy known as Freed replied swaying his sword in the air as it started to glow.

"That's energy, it can't be!" Kiba shouted angrily. "Oh but it is! Let's see who will win, your devil sword or my holy Excalibur" Freed replied. Instantly Kiba looked even more angry when he mentioned the word 'excalibur' without saying anything else Kiba charged at Freed, his sword high in air as it came crashing down.

The two blades met each other causing a small shockwave, the two struggled to overpower the other. Eventually Kiba was able to get the upper hand and he's sent a powerful palm stroke to Freed who was sent back. Freed regained in his composure and slashed at Kiba, just as the blade was about to his Kiba you rushed in and caught the blade shocking the two. "(Y/N)?" Kiba asked confused why you were here. "Another devil scum bag?" Freed asked licking his gun. "Yeah sorry about following you, I wanted to make sure you were safe" You replied to Kiba smiling getting a smile and nod from him.

You turned your attention to Freed who smirked and aimed his gun at you. "Die!" He yelled firing the gun at you, you caught the bullets taking Freed by surprise. "W-what the? Holy bullets are suppose to harm you!" You let a low chuckle. "Well I'm not a devil...I am a saiyan!" You roared as you disappeared and reappeared in front of Freed and spin kicking him.

Freed got up groaning from the pain. "Screw this! I will deal with you next time" Freed cursed as he threw a light grenade and disappeared. "I'll go if you need some time to think to yourself" You said turning towards Kiba. "Thanks" he replied getting a nod from you. "See ya" You said and flew away leaving a gust of wind behind.


You were soundly asleep when you felt more warmth than usual, slowly opening your eyes you saw that someone was sleeping next to you, their head covering their head. Without thinking you jumped out of bed and formed a energy blade and pointed at the figure. "Who are you?!" You yelled as the person slowly got up. You realized it was Rias and slowly let out a deep breath. "Geez Rias! Don't do that, you scared me" You said while Rias giggled and then immediately blushed madly at you, not having any pair of pants or other undergarments. "Huh? You okay Rias?" You asked looking at her face turning red as her hair. It only made it worse when you walked closer to her. "I-I'm Fine..p-put On your clothes please" Rias replied as you nodded and got dressed.

As you were walking to school you saw two figures dressed in white robes looking at you, you looked back at them and locked eyes, eventually you looked away when they did and continued your way to school ignoring the other comments that were thrown at you.

"We should go to Karaoke yo!" One of Issei's friends shouted. You didn't really pay attention to their conversation since you were too busy trying to get women to get off of you. As you were rerunning from them Towa pulled you into a tight corner. When the girls were gone you sighed in relief and face Towa who was blushing madly. "Hey are you okay?" You asked causing her to shiver a bit, she could feel your warm breath against her neck since you were taller than her. "Y-yeah" She replied looking down. You pulled her out of the tight corner. "Thanks for the save!" You said smiling as Towa's face went red like a rose. "N-no problem" She muttered enough for you to hear.

"Let's get to our classes" You said getting a nod from Towa as you two raced down the halls.


After a long day, you head over to the old building and when you do you see the two figures that you had seen from the beginning of the day. "You two!" You shouted pointing to the two. "Do you know them (Y/N)?" Rias asked while you shake you head 'no'.

You listened to their conversation but didn't really pay attention, all you need was their names, and holy swords, the rest were just blanks. They had seemed to finish talking and were about to leave before the girl with blue hair or Xenovia stopped and looked at Asia. "Aren't you Asia?" She asked "uh,  Yes" Was Asia response "It makes sense that I would run into a witch like you" She bluntly said causing Asia to looked down at the floor. Your blood boiled when Xenovia said that but managed to control yourself. The two threw more insults at Asia, eventually you had enough and snapped. "Oi!" You shouted you hair starting to flicker golden. The devils and the two looked at you. "You've said enough, leave now or you'll make me do something that I might regret" Yiu Warned.

"Fine then, we accept your proposal." The blondie said.


You and Kiba stood next to each other as the two got their swords, Kiba made his own devil sword, you focused about 10% of your power ready to fight. You, Kiba, and the other two didn't exchange much words and immediately rushed at each other.

You dodged a swing of the blondie's sword and continued to do so making her angry. "Hey stop dodging and fight!" She shouted. "Okay" was all you said before punching her in the stomach making her cough blood before falling in the floor unconscious. "Irina!" Xenovia shouted anger coursed through her blood as she quickly made due of Kiba.
Without saying anything else she went 100% of her strength while you dodged rapidly and blocked. Xenovia held her sword high and brought it down, just as it was about to strike you, you dodged and palm stroked the side of the blade causing Xenovia to let go of her sword. "Come on, is that all you got?" You sneered at her as she rushed you aiming randomly as you blocked her strikes.

"Enough" You muttered and neck chopped her making her fall unconscious as well. You laid her on the ground and looked at everyone else. "Well that takes care of that" You say in a cheerful tone. "Oh man, is it just me or is it getting out out here?" You asked struggling to stand as The others ran towards you. "C-Crap.." was all you said as darkness took hold of you

Too be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2018 ⏰

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