Upoko tuawha:

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The next morning, Meihana decided to stay home. Her mind was still locked on the thought of how her parents had worked for Hiram Lodge. As she lay on her bed she contemplated on whether or not to ring her parents, to ask them about there dealings with Lodge industries.

Rolling onto her side she reached to grab her phone off the bedside table, as she grabbed it, a piece of paper fell to the ground. Picking it she realised that it was the paper that had the number of that skyscraper she had served at Pop's. An idea popped into her head. Instead of calling her parents and probably getting no answers from them, she texted the attractive, young Serpent.

Hey, uh, this is the girl from Pop's.

Oh, yeah, which one? 😏

Dude. Really. Wow and I thought you were cute. Nvm, bye

Wait hold up, I was kidding. I didn't really think that you'd text me

Oh believe me, I was definitely gonna text you. I just got sidetracked with other shit.

Good to know sweetheart. Good to know

You know, you're the first boy I've ever gotten a number from

You're joking right?

Nah, bruh. I'm not

What!? How!? You're fuckin gorgeous

Naw thanks skyscraper. I don't really know aye, I guess it's because I'm an exchange student or some shit like that. Well except for some of the bulldogs, but they are fucking morons.

Skyscraper? Well, I can tell that they're missing out. Do you want me to knock in their heads?

Skyscraper is my nickname for you until I find out your real name. Yes, they definitely are, but, oh well, you get me instead. Nah it's ok, I can take care of them myself, I am a big girl after all.

Ok, well I guess your nickname is sweetheart until you tell me your name. I dig a chick who can handle herself.... btw I know this may be a little soon but, you wanna meet up?

Yeah, totally. Wait you're not gonna murder me are you?

You're too beautiful to kill. Pop's?

Ofc, see you soon 😚

You gonna tell me your name?

You'll find out soon 😉

Meihana had texted Fred telling him that she had gone to Pop's to get something to eat. As she arrived, she noticed a motorcycle parked outside of Pop's and saw the tall, handsome boy with his leather jacket on through the window. Hugging her jacket closer to her body, she walked through the doors of the diner. "Mace, my favourite customer. How are you?" Pop Tate beamed with a smile. "As great as can be Pop. How about you?" Meihana asked, smiling back at the man. "Perfect," he said sweetly.

Meihana smiled back at him again, then turned around to see the Southside Serpent watching her cute, innocent interaction with Pop. Walking towards him, she had a smirk plastered on her face, "what's the smirk for sweetheart?" He asked as a small grin snuck its way on to his face. "Because I scored a date with a complete hottie." She stated as she slide into the both opposite of him. His grin went wider as he heard that, "so...you gonna tell me your name?" He questioned.

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