The first step

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We live in a world full of superpowers called quirks, where everyone has something cool they can do. Some of us can teleport, others can change forms and so on. As expected most people aspire to become a superhero these days, choosing the only profession that lets you use your quirks freely. The World is a strange place, you know? To some it gives a life full of everything they ever want while others, others sometimes see their hard work go down the drain as life takes everything away, and you know what they have left afterwards? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. The latter is true for me... I was born without powers, without a quirk. This wasn't that bad as long as I was happy, but then even that got taken away from me. I've always wondered why me? Why I was the one without a quirk, with such bad luck instead of someone else. Why would it always have to be me. You see, being quirkless in current society leads to a bad future. It's near impossible to become a hero like that, and going even further, there's a higher chance to get bullied. Well, a higher chance is an understatement. You WILL get bullied. And the worst part? Everything they say, every single little insult WILL start to get to you. Slowly but surely you'll start to believe everything they say. That being quirkless means that you're basically useless and that no matter how hard you'd work, you could never fulfil your dream. That's what most would say. The only thing that was needed to hurt you was that.

But even the nicest and weakest person can snap. Everyone can become dangerous if they're pushed hard enough. But it is when people are driven into a corner that you get to see their true colours. When they push themselves beyond their limits and grow, whether they chose to use their newfound power for revenge or use them for good, is entirely on them. The same happened to me. I am (y/n) (l/n) And this is my story!


It was another boring day. Go to school, take some insults and do whatever the teacher says. Sigh... It's really starting to annoy me, but I will have to keep this up if I want to make my dream come true. What is my dream? I want to be a hero! I want to save people from despair, to make the world a better place! So I can save others from the same faith as me. What happened to me? It'd be best to not talk about it. It affected me in more ways than one. The Teacher was still writing some stuff on the board and I was staring outside. When he was done, he asked everyone about their aspired futures. Of course everyone wants to be a hero. Everyone has quirks, well everyone except for—

"I see here that Midoriya and (y/n) also want to go to U.A." The teacher stated, not bothering to look up from the list.

At these exact words, the hot-headed idiot, otherwise known as Bakugo Katsuki, freezes. He slowly turns around to stare at Midoriya, who gains a frightened look. He then looks at me and I gave him a blank stare. He walks over to Midoriya with a crazed look in his eyes and explodes his table. Midoriya falls on his back and crawls backwards until he hits the wall, all while muttering both explanations and apologies towards the blonde. Bakugo then quickly turns around and menacingly walks over to me. He gives me his usual death-stare but gets interrupted by the teacher wanting to continue the lesson. Bakugo hesitantly obliges to the request and goes back to his seat.

When everyone left the class after the day was over, Bakugo stopped me Midoriya and me, preventing us from leaving. He first had his conversation with Midoriya about him being useless and added that he would never become a hero. He quickly exploded Midoriya's notebook and threw it out of the window. The bully then ended his insults with his solution to becoming a hero: Jumping of the roof and hope that he would be lucky enough to reincarnate with a quirk. Midoriya turned around with a look full of fury, only to shrink back down when Bakugo made a little explosion in his hands. Midoriya soon left the classroom and went home, probably. I walked away, only to be followed by Bakugo and his goons. The only thing they did was follow me and keep on insulting me. At that time we were in a secluded alleyway, when he finally broke the last straw.

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