Yagami VS Wammy

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The cafeteria was a large white hall with tables dotted around room, Anzu took me over to a table with two other girls; one with long brown hair that reached half way down her back, and the other had her hair up in a pony-tail at the back of her hair so it didn’t touch her neck, but what made her stand out the most was her purple hair with blue streaks through it.

“Nariko this is Yumiko,” Anzu gestured to the girl with long brown hair. “And Chiko.”

The girl with the purple and blue hair smiled at me.

“Girls this is Nariko.” Anzu gestured to me with a smile

I smiled at the girls and sat down next to Anzu and opposite Chiko and Yumiko.

“So,” Yumiko looked at me smiling kindly. “How are you liking your first day so far?”

“It’s been good.” I answered, “Anzu’s been good showing me around.”

“I see you didn’t like the school uniform.” Chiko laughed.

I smiled sheepishly.

“No not really.”

“Don’t worry neither do we.”

Chiko wasn’t wearing her vest or bow and had neatly cut the hems of her white shirt so the sleeves went down an inch past her elbows. Yumiko had taken the vest of too be had chosen to keep her bow, Anzu was the only one on the table wearing full school uniform

When no one continued the conversation I picked up an apple off my food tray, the apple was bright red and had a shine to it if you held it to the light, I left the bright white flesh exposed as I bit into it.

“Nariko,” Chiko said as she swallowed a mouth full of apple juice, “has little Anzu told you about the school biggest topics?”

“No,” I looked at Anzu as she finished half her peanut butter sandwich.

“Anzu!” Chiko gasped, “How could you not tell her?”

“I’m sorry I just forgot.”

Chiko looked at me with a fresh lollypop twirling between her fingers.

“I’ll have to tell her.”

“No I’ll tell her, you only tell half the story.” Yumiko interjected.

Anzu smirked.

“You do as well Miss Anzu Ra.”

Anzu pouted and continued to eat her sandwich.

“Biggest topics?” I raised my eyebrow inquisitively.

“Yeah the Wammy Boys and Yagami’s Group.”

“The Wammy Boys?” I asked supressing a laugh.

“We just call them that because the all came from Wammy Orphanage.”

“They just stick to themselves.” Chiko pointed to a group of five boys sitting by the wall on the opposite side of the cafeteria; none of the were wearing the yellow vests or the red ties all of them were wearing black pants and short sleeved white shirts.

“Their weird.” Said Anzu distastefully.

“Their geniuses.” Chiko defended them.

I looked at Yumiko.

“Their weird geniuses.”

“And they don’t talk to anyone outside of their little group?”

“Well no. I’m partnered with Matt in IT and we get along well enough, but they won’t talk to you unless they have to.”

“Matt’s the one with the red-brown hair.” Anzu told me when she saw the confused look on my face. “His real name is Male Jeevas but everyone calls him Matt.”

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