12. The dream of how we started

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So its just another normal day after school.

Do your homework, eat, go on Twitter and see what's new about One Direction. You see they have posted a contest. If you win you get to spend one whole day with them.

There can only be 2 winners.

Obviously you enter knowing you won't win but you still do it, just in case. You enter your name, address, age and other things.

They would pick the winners tomorrow.

next day....

Your at school with your friends when suddenly One Direction walks in.

Your heart drops. Your thinking,

'Did I win the contest? No maybe someone else in my class entered the contest too.'

Then Niall says,

"Is Y/N here?"

You then stand up fast,

"Here," you say.

They tell you to come with them. You do, obviously. You swing your backpack over your shoulder and walk towards the door. You can feel all eyes on you. You guys walk towards a huge bus. You see this other girl in there too.

'She must be the other winner' you think.

Harry opens the door for you and you thank him. You sit next to the girl. she looks at you in a mean way. Then Zayn says,

"Karla meet Y/N."

She doesn't say hi to you. For 5 minutes it's been an awkward silence. Until Niall finally decided to start a conversation,

" So, we talked to your parents already. They said you guys can stay with us for one day."

One whole day with One Direction! I must be in heaven.

"We're here." Niall says

You all get off and get into the hotel. You all talked for a while then we've decided Karla, is going to stay in Liam's room and you in Harry's room. Karla tells you in your ear,

" Stay away from Harry or you will regret coming."

You always loved Harry, he was your favorite. You guys all go your sepreate ways, Karla in Liam's room and you in Harry's. You knew you would be leaving the next day so you had to spend as much time with them as possible. Once your in his room he says,

"Leave your bags there we're all going to Nandos."

Once you two get there everyone else was already seated. You sit down next to Harry and Zayn. They ask you and Karla questions. They ask both of you if your hungry. Karla says no but your stomach hasn't stopped growling in the past hour so you happily agreed on the offer.

" I'll get food for us to share." Harry says. Karla suddenly sits up and said that she was now hungry. " Liam, order her something. " Karla slouched down in frustration.

later that day...

You and Harry are alone in his hotel room. Both of you sitting next to each other on the couch watching tv. You notice him staring at you.

" What's wrong? " You ask him, making him jump a little.

" Nothing, your eyes are just beautiful. "

"Thank you," You say laughing at his sweet comment. Harry smiles at your laugh and changes the channel while slowly putting his arm around you. You look up at Harry and see that he's already looking down at you, he slowly leans in and kisses you. That's when the boys walk in.

"Vas happenin!?" Zayn yells. You and Harry stop when you both hear Karla scream.

"What! That's suppose to be me!"

Harry shrugs her off and kisses you again. You wake up, looking around the room when your eyes land on a sleeping Harry.

" Harry, wake up." You say lightly shaking him. He slowly opens his eyes and gives you a tired smile,

" Mm, good morning love." Harry says in his deep, sexy, raspy morning voice. You then heard little noises coming from the hallway.

" Good mwornin mummy and dwaddyy! " Your daughter Darcy says while running into your guy's room and jumped onto the bed.

" Good morning sweetheart." You say giving her a kiss the her forehead. " Hey, what would you say if we go to the park today?" You told her while Harry sits up and starts tickling her.

"Really?!" Darcy said trying to catch her breath.

" Yup! Now go get dressed. " You and Harry both laugh as Darcy jumps up and down on the bed and runs to her room.

at the park...

You and Harry are sitting on a bench talking while Darcy plays around with her new friends.

"I had a dream about how we met." You tell Harry. He gives you a wide smile and a kiss,

" I love you." He says.


Sorry if this imagine was shit it was sorta rushed.













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