13. Scary story

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"You and your seven year old sister are at the park. You guys are really bored. Your sister says she wants to play a game. You say, "Ok, how do we play?"

"Ok so, one of us closes our eyes while the other is trying to make you open them by making noises. If the person opens thier eyes they lose." She explains.

" Ok, you start." You say. She closes her eyes. You make a cow sound and she can't bare but open her eyes. You both laugh.

" Ok your turn." She says. You close your eyes. She screams but you think she's just doing it as part of the game so you keep your eyes closed. It's now a silence. You call her name. Nothing. You them open your eyes and scream. There across from you is your sister hanging from a tree with her throat slit. You sob and fall to your knees. You see a note that says,

" Arnt you glad you didn't open your eyes?"

The end....

" JESUS (Y/N), when I said I wanted a scary story I didn't mean a life scarring one." Said Harry looking up at you from your guy's position on the couch.

" Well! You said you wanted scary so I gave you scary. " You said looking down at him.

" If I have a nightmare tonight, I blame you!" Harry said playfully pointing his finger at you.

" Yea, yea, whatever. Let's go to bed." You said turning the tv off and slightly pushing Harry off of your lap.

Let's just say you didn't get any sleep that night...


Sorry about the ending I just couldn't decide on how to finish this imagine up.

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