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"So, Mr. Park, do you hear voices?"

Yoongi took Jimin to the specialist, and they are both sitting in the uncomfortable chairs and the man questions Jimin.

"Um no, unless you mean thinking?"

The doctor laughs, before replying, "No, that's perfectly normal. What about seeing things, like an imaginary friend."

"I...Yeah I guess."

"Oh? Did you realize that this friend was in your head, or did you have to be told?"

"I thought she was real..." Jimin replies, while looking down sadly.

"It was female? Mr. Park, did you know any women that had treated you badly, or anything like that?" He asks, while writing on his clipboard.

"My aunt was...scary."

"How so?"

"Well when my parents died, me and my sister stayed with her. And she had so many rules and if we didn't follow one of them, then she would whip us. Then one day, she called us into the basement, and she...Um...well, she shot herself. In front of us." Jimin didn't notice that he was crying, until he felt Yoongi's hand wiping away his tears.

"I am...terribly sorry that you had to go through that. Did you ever see a therapist?"

"No, I didn't see a reason to."

"Ok. I'm going to prescribe you a medication, and a visit to a therapist that specializes in these cases." He stands from his chair, and so do the couple. He then motions for Yoongi to speak to him privately.

"His condition is most definitely caused my PTSD. Have you talked to him about This before?"

"Yes, but not seriously. It just comes up sometimes."

"I see. Well for now, try to keep him in check with reality. He'll probably have mood swings, as coping with the realization is very hard on the mental state."

"Alright, thank you for your time." Yoongi smiles before walking to the door.

"I hope you too have a nice test of your day." He smiles kindly at them, before they leave.

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