Ms. Moon

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It was perhaps the silliest thing for Angela to do; attend one of these...rock concerts. The people who showed up were druggies, maniacs, ...insane for the person who performed.
But she couldn't deny her interest at a poster she saw which displayed the infamous Moira Moon; glam-pop sensation. It was in, it was new, it was weird, and she hated that she liked it.
So of course she had to stand as close to the stage as she could. It was quite crowded and she found herself avoiding the elbows of the people she was surrounded by. It was almost enough to make her want to leave, and she would have, until suddenly..
The entire hall was screaming and she momentarily cursed herself for being so stupid for coming here. The screaming was almost as if they were in a trance, and-
She screwed her eyes shut and began to weave her way through the crowd, deciding it wasn't worth it.
"Leaving so soon?"
Angela froze. Dead. In. Her. Spot. The question could be heard through the entire room and she craned her neck back to the stage.
The crowds' collective screaming of, "MOON!!!" Soon was drowned out by her extended eye contact with the star.
The sensation.
Moon's face lit up with a pleasant and sharkish grin once they watched Angela scoot back to her original spot closest to the stage.
Their outfit was something; pinks, purples, yellows, and their hair was slicked back, glowing all sorts of blue.
Looked like someone who could quite literally make love to their ego. Lanky. Chest nearly fully exposed and Angela—she was close enough to see the shimmer on Moon's body. If Marilyn Monroe was considered sexy.. this was a whole new level of that.
Angela found herself swooning very quickly, watching with attentive eyes as Moon reached for their guitar and lifted it above themselves and around their chest.
Her mouth was very dry and her knees went weak with every wink Moon sent to her. And god—Moon was right; they could play guitar.
Soon Angela was nodding her head to the music, entranced by Moon's mystical voice. Pure, sexy, perfect, even without editing.
A sex symbol.
Angela had done little research beforehand about Moon. She just..saw a poster. That was enough. There was something about the gleam in Moon's eyes on said poster; the mischievous and not-so-innocent look of them.
As she listened she tried to pinpoint if Moon was female or male. With the makeup covering their face and the androgynous outfit, it was hard to tell. Their voice wasn't masculine but it wasn't incredibly feminine either.
Whatever they were, they were hot.
At the third song Angela was cheering along with the crowd this time. She wanted Moon to see her; to hear her.
As Moon strummed the guitar, singing all the while, Angela didn't fail to notice the way they added sexual gestures. Sticking their tongue out, swiping it along their lips, pivoting their hips, tilting their neck a certain way that lit a fire in Angela.
The blonde found her eyes being drawn to Moon's face; resting there. She watched their mouth move to the music, watched their eyes get lost in the song. Watched them look right at her. Once. Twice. Three times.
Too many to count by the time the last chord sounded. She truly felt as though she had made an impression on this...this person.
It was only after the crowd was screaming for encores and for sex, for signings and whatever else that she realized it was over. A pang of guilt, and she was hesitating to move. She watched Moon strut back behind stage, exposed legs glistening with sweat and with glitter.
Angela wanted nothing more than to meet them.
She knew there were people who had passes to actually go back to where Moon was, but she didn't have one. The place was dark though..maybe she could just...
She slipped past the annoying horde of people, and soon her obscured vision was brought to clarity.
There, standing the tallest amongst a circle of fans and whatever the fuck else, was Moon. Talking, talking, talking, and Angela was pissed because she couldn't—she couldn't hear them.
She weaved her way through the rest of these fans, and once she saw an opportunity, she made her move.
Approached this-this She-Bowie (of course I'd have to use that term.) and started fidgeting with her hands. Being this close she found she had to look up, directly so, and Moon looked back down.
"You're the one who almost got away," Moon began, and Angela was almost certain that this they was a she. Up close she could see the stark difference of their eyes; heterochromia but so fucking sexy.
Moira..was a female name, wasn't it? Gaelic?
"Couldn't let that happen." The star gleamed, flashing Angela a large and toothy grin.
Angela watched with baited breath as Moon took a couple steps towards her.
Leaned down. Faces inches away.
"I don't think I've seen you at any of Moon's concerts before."
Angela arched a brow. Why was she talking in third person?
Moon's grin widened. "Is this your first?"
And suddenly they were walking, walking, walking and-and Angela didn't know where just that they were.
"Y-your name. Moon. Is that-"
It was the first thing she had said to her ever and it suddenly hit Angela that she was speaking to someone that was famous. She swallowed the lump in her throat; continued. "Some alter ego?"
"Ah." They stopped at some bar and Angela realized that they were outside. She ignored the chill biting at her arms and looked up at Moon as she spoke. "Yes. One of them, anyways. My favorite one. All glam, bite, sex and the like. Androgynous. People seem to like that."
She pushed the door open and allowed Angela to pass under her arm, and Angela decided that it definitely wasn't weird that she was at a bar with-
Moira. Fucking. Moon. Actually, maybe that wasn't her real name. It didn't really matter—she couldn't concentrate. Didn't notice the stares they got. The brief moment where Moon slipped away to sign autographs. Didn't notice that the star had never changed out of her outfit.
In this dim lighting though, she could very clearly see the shimmer on Moon's cheeks. It was hypnotizing her, and she soon found herself gazing at her drink in order to stop staring.
"I never got your name," Moon was murmuring, hot and low and sending chills down Angela's spine. "You're quite the charmer, by the way." She reached across the table and placed her glittered hand atop Angela's, and the blonde's breath hitched. Moon's hand was cold-hot-cold-
Angela swallowed; hard.
"A-angela. Angela Ziegler."
Her hand was cold.
Moon smiled and leaned back in her chair, slipping her straw between her teeth and sucking in a small breath. She bit the straw, didn't drink, and Angela thought maybe-maybe she was doing it to flirt. She pulled the cup away and set it on the table, hard.
Brought her hand back to her own side of the table. Lifted it to her mouth. Swiped her tongue along the parts Angela had touched.
Her eyes narrowed.
"I've always liked that name."

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