The interview

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AN: I'm so sorry guys that this coms so late. I was busy with school and now I finally have vacation, but unfortunately I will leave for a month, so you won't hear from me anything again. I'm sorry, but before I leave, I wanted to share the necxt chapter with you. I hope you all will like this. Damon shows his beauty to us ;) Now enjoy reading :)

I was running late. I couldn't believe it. I was late, it was the traffic's fault though mostly Elena's. Why did she have to be ill?

Not wasting any time longer, I got out of my car and practically ran into the building. Not paying attention to anyone, I bumped into a hard chest and hit almost the ground, if it wasn't for two strong arms that caught me before I fell.

My head shot up to meet my 'savior's' eyes, a pair of black eyes eying me curiously. I was looking into the stranger's eyes, agape, taking in his beauty. "Ooh," I moaned. "Ooh, gorgeous," I whispered, fluttering my eyelashes.

"Ooh...I'm sorry, Mr..uhm.." I trailed off, releasing myself from the beautiful man's grip. He kept on staring at me as if I was an alien or had something on my face. What was wrong with me?

Since he didn't say anything, I approached him, "I'm late for an interview with Mr. Salvatore. Do you know where his office is? I feel so bad for my tardiness. It's the traffic's fault." I tried to defend myself in front of the business man (probably an employee). No wonder he was looking at me weirdly, I was wearing the wrong clothes, totally improper with my jeans, rose shirt and converse shoes. The only part that looked at least a little formal was my hair that was tied up in a bun.

Suddenly, without my notice, his voice echoed through the large lobby.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. The office is in the first floor. You won't miss it."

"Thank you for your help, sir," I retorted politely, smiling genuinely at the handsome man. He waved me off and led me to the elevator before he left.

Heading off to the office, I had to wait until the secretary called me in. The boss would come in a few minutes, finishing his appointment with some businessman from another huge company, I didn't care about. The situation let me time to examine the whole area. There were blonde workers walking around with papers, or were just talking on the phone and other males that were doing the same. Everyone was busy and...beautifully dressed up, looking wonderful in comparison to me.

A slight jealousy was rising in me when suddenly the blonde secretary came back to me and told me I was able to go indoors. "Mr. Salvatore is expecting you." Nodding my head, I entered the room gasping, eyes widening a fraction and a blush covering my cheeks when I recognized the gorgeous face. "Ooh," she moaned. Not again! I yelled internally at myself.

He was standing behind his desk, momentarily adjusting his tie before his attention was regarded to me, gesturing to take a seat on the free chair. "Welcome, Miss McCullough."

I sat on the chair, greeting him shyly back. "Hello, Mr. Salvatore." My cheeks were still tinted in red as I couldn't forget the embarrassing meeting we just had moments ago.

"I believe Miss Gilbert was supposed to do the interview with me today? Is everything alright with her?"

Of course, he would ask why the wrong person was sitting in front of him. I cleared awkwardly my throat and confessed, "Miss Gilbert is ill. I jumped in for her. I'm going to do the interview with you, Mr. Salvatore. I hope that's okay." A soft smile graced my lips as I looked into the beautiful eyes of the CEO Damon Salvatore. Today is making Bonnie blush crazily day, I thought absentmindedly. His eyes were so intensive, if it was possible I could burn from the heat or simply drown into the darkness that his eyes held.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2015 ⏰

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