⚘Doomed ⚘

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A/N:Was thinking about changing the cover but idk🤨

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A/N:Was thinking about changing the cover but idk🤨

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So Luke thought it would be a good idea to 'own up' every though it wasn't him.
Leaving him in trouble as well as me for lying.

Well done Lukey boy.
So right now in this moment both us us are sat in detention, along with a few other kids.
Emaline giving Luke evil eyes.

I laughed as she put her pen to his neck making him jump.
The rest of detention was Emaline torturing Luke and kids getting told to shut up.

Currently I'm sitting in Luke's house with his two friends.
"Should I be worried Kate and I haven't kissed yet?",Luke asks staring off into the distance,
"No",I reply simply.

"Dude, it's been to days Relax. Your golden",Tyler says with his shirt over his head making me laugh.
"McQuaid?",Luke asks his final friend.
"Well the average high school relationship lasts 26 days, meaning for every year long relationship there are an equal number that lasts less than five minutes...",I glance at Tyler giving a confused look as if to say 'What the hell is he talking about' but Tyler just shrugs in response.

"So what does that mean?",Luke asks as confused as we were.
"It means kiss or no kiss your relationship is doomed",McQuaid says making me roll my eyes.
I think he's the most negative person I've ever met.

"Don't listen to him.I bet next time you see her it's gonna be tongue city",Tyler says loudly.
Then the doorbell rings making me jump at the sound.
"Jeez its a doorbell Relax",Tyler laughs at my reaction.
I reply with kicking him off the couch and going to see whose at the door.
"Did she bring a weird snack, she can't come in without a weird snack",I hear McQuaid say.
"Who is it?",I ask standing at the closed door.
"Kate",They answer in unison.

Kate came in and handed McQuaid a lip balm.
"Technically it's edible",Kate says plopping down on the seat beside me.
McQuaid takes a bite out of it making me cringe.
"Taste Like candle",McQuaid says after a minute.
"You've eaten candle?",I ask raising a brow.
"Story for another time",He answers.
"Your phones off the hook",Tyler says placing it back on,

As soon as he does it begins ringing.
"O ' Neill residents",Tyler answers the phone.
His face drops making me laugh a bit before standing up and taking the phone from him.

I hear Oliver's voice on the other end shouting threats.
"Do you really have nothing better to do?",I roll my eyes and hang up before giving him a chance to answer.
The boys start panicking and running around like madmen.

"We need to transfer schools"
"They can't stab me in the dick!''
"I haven't even lost my virginity!"
"That's not surprising"
"How am I supposed to lose my virginity with no dick!",Tyler continues shouting.
"You've been doing fine so far",I joke.
"This is no time for jokes!"

"-Change our names",Tyler calms down at the statement.
"Sick I'm changing mine to Vince"
"No your not",I quickly crush his dream.
"Who gives a shit we're doomed",McQuaid snaps.
"Everybody stop talking!",Kate says making everyone shut up.
"I have a plan",She says,
"Does your mom have any alcohol?",Kate asks.
"Jesus Kate bows not the time to get shit-faced",I shake my head.
"Not what I had in mind"

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