Secrets of the past

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Tom was silent, staring at me with those endless black eyes. I was nervous, scared of what he might say. This was the first time I ever told anyone about my past. Or at least a little bit of it.
I stiffened, his voice emotionless. My anxiety swelling in my chest and stomach was in knots. I've haven't felt like this in forever. Then... Tom did something I never expected. He hugged me. I've known this man for about two weeks and who knew that him hugging me would calm my nerves?
"It's okay. You're not alone."
Tears welled in my eyes, I trying (and failing) to not cry. But I did. The wall I tried to put up fell, I vurnable to this man.
"I'll protect you. I promise." I looked up at him, He smiling.
"Don't make promises you can't keep." I said, wiping my eyes.
"What are you talking about? Of course I-"
"No! You don't know these people like I do! It's dangerous."
"I'm pretty sure I can handle it."
Tom was trying. Trying really hard to make my bad situation better. But... It was all in vain. I knew, deep down, what would happen. Someone I cared about would get hurt because of me.
"Oh, am I interrupting something?" Tord asked, the light flickering on. I looked over at him, his arms crossed.
"No. I was just leaving." I stood, dusting off my jeans.
"Already? I just bought some Ice cream!" Edd said, walking past Tord. Matt was already into the popsicles.
"I'm.. good. It's late anyways. See you guys." I turned and left, passing by the Norwegian, who I didn't even notice followed me outside.
"(Y/n)." Tord called. Crap. I spun around, he standing on the doorstep, I only a few feet away.
"Tord, I-"
"I've only got a little advice for you."
"What's that?"
"Be careful of who you side with." He said, walking back inside. I'd normally shrug off the weird, ominous warning but this time, it felt like he meant it. What was Tord's deal? Maybe I should spend more time to get to know him. Or maybe I should ask Edd. That seemed to be the safer option. Sighing, I walked next door to where my best friend was waiting.
The room I was in was dark, the only light coming from the lone light in the corner. I knew exactly where this was leading, and I wasn't going to fall for it. I decided to walk backwards, away from the mirror. But then my back hit something. I instantly spun around, it being...
"Tom?" But it really wasn't him. His clothes were ripped and rugged. The blue hoodie he always wore stiched together. I instinctively stepped back as his black eyes flashed purple.
--Your worst nightmares will come true-- A voice not my own echoed throughout the room.
"N-no!" I yelled, Turning around to run towards the door, but there wasn't one. Just a mirror. Anxiety swelled in my chest. I knew exactly who it was the minute I saw them.

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