Chapter 11: Roar! Vovolgia Impactor!

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A/N: Sorry for not updating oftern ^^" Having alot of things going on so... yea ^^"

Flames are burning every inch of its path, as Emile is in the middle of the flames, which blinds the trio's vision. "Reese, get the heck out of here!" Tyler screamed. Reese stumbled a little, and replied "But, you amd Tim are both injured as well!" Tim gasped for air for a bit before replying "Yea... Reese is right. We are not in the condition to fight. Maybe we should retreat for the time being." Tyler want to protest, when his stomach caused a pain that make him flinch. "Urgh... I guess your right... Let's go back..." He moved one step and swayed a bit. Reese rushes to his side and managed to catch him before he falls. Tim have been flapping his wings, and looking at Emile, who was engulfed by the flames. "Emile, be safe..." He muttered, before he rejoins his friends. Before they could leave the forest, the flames surrounding Emile explodes, revealing the guy himself. But he looks different. Usual brown hair replaced with fiery red, usual armor replaced with redish clothing (not naked XD), and his shirt is still usual black. The Soul Sword that was held by his right hand was surroundedd with flames. The Beasts all yelped, as Emile slowly opens his eyes. Instead of the brown friendly eyes, it's deadly bright red eyes. His pants and the dual-crossed belts are the only same features. Tyler and the others just looked at him, while Reese supporting Tyler and Tim at the same time.

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