Chapter 28: Change of weapons, and the truth about Eclair.

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A/N:I'm officially not a pro of OsuMania. Just saying. Anyone wanna add me in Osu, leave it in the comments. I can only do 4 and 6 keys.

~~Countdown to the resume of war: 14 hours~~Josh and Tim are roaming around the South hallway, talking about some random stuff, when they met up with the Weapon department in charge, Tatsuma. "Hey! Joshua! Timothy!" Both of them looked at the 6 foot tall male. "Yea?" Josh asked. "Follow me, I have something to give you both." They both follow Tatsuma to the Weapon department at the East hallway. Once they arrived there, Tatsuma point at a green book and a yellow cannon. "You know, you might have gotten used to your kunai and your palms and stuff, but those are only your temporary weapons. These here, are you permanent. The book for Tim, the cannon for you, Josh." Josh and Tim both looked at each other, and took their new weapons, returning their old ones. "You know, I think cannons suit my playstyle more." Josh admit. Tim just laughed then looked at the book. "Tim, you will need all the time you have left to practise like nuts. There are a lot of spells in there." Tatsuma point at Tim's new weapon. "Well, ok. Josh, you wanna train together?" "Sure! Gotta get used to this cannon, which is surprisingly light despite it being big." Josh said. Both then left the department to go to the training ground.

Meanwhile, Tyler and Jake both are at Jon's medical room. Tyler, whom arrived a few minutes after Emile left, asked "Hey, so...Whatcha planning?" Jake then retold everything that he had said to Emile and Jon, who is still in deep thought. Damn, everything is pointing at the Beast king. But, why do I have a sense of uncertainty that he is innocent? Why? And if that is the case, who is behind all this? Jon did not even notice that Tyler is calling him, until he got smack to the head. "Ow...What was that for?" He asked. "You looked uncertain and tired. You should be getting some rest." Tyler replied. "Do I really looked tired?" Jon questioned. "Maybe. You looked disturb about something." Jake replied. "Oh yea, you heard that Tim and Josh are changing their weapons?" Tyler cut in. "Really?" Jake said. "Yea. Tim's from kunai to a magic book of sorts, and Joshy-boy is from palms to cannon." "Wait, cannon?" Jon asked, apparently baffled about the size of it he is using. "Yeap. A cannon. You know when you play games, which there is like one class which uses cannons?" Tyler asked. "Oh...those cannons. Geez Tyler, you scared me." Jon laughed. Tyler was laughing, while Jake is just stating "Really Jon? Which kind of cannons are you thinking?" Jon was confused, as he replied "I thought it was those kind of in the castle kind of cannons. Not the ones in some games, which is the portable cannons..." Jake then conitnued "By the way, where did Emile go?" Tyler then finally stop laughing and answered "I saw him rushing somewhere. Where, I have no idea." "I see..."

Emils is still with Commander Eclair. She is still out, and he wanted to get help. But, she is from the Beast tribute, an enemy to the Human tribute. What can he do? He can't asked his friends for help, they might not be able to believe him. "Is...Is there anything I can do?" He questioned himself. No, I can't doubt myself now. She needs me, and I got to do something! The rain had stopped a few minutes ago, and he decided to ask his other self for advice. ...Hey. Can you hear me? The other half, who is in Emile's sub-consciousness answered Yes Master? Emile was hesitant  as to whether to tell him this, but he went for it anyway. You know about the  conflict between the Human and the Beast tributes, right? His other half, nodded and said Yes, I know about it. What about it, Master? Emile then looked at Eclair for a minute, then finally decided to put it out. See, I have a Beast commander with me. She looks like she've been through a lot. His other half did not say anything, so Emile decided to carry on. I met her during the second conflict. She told me to stop the Beast king as fast as possible. She also told me to stop the Queen. Why, I don't know. But she also gave me a note and left. The note is still with me though. I'm scared that anyone will see it, should I left it in my room. His other self finally replied Master. I think you should tell the others now. They might figure soon enough either way. I think you should tell someone, like your friends. Jon, for instance. But he will never trust me! Emile retaliate. You will never know, till you try. Was all his other half said. Emile just flopped back to the tree. He sighed as he thank his other half for advice. Master, should you have anymore concerns, don't hesitate to speak with me. After all, I'm you, and you're me. Emile had to smile. Ever since he befriended his other self, that guy keep on cheering him up. Even through darkest moments. Like just now. He then turned to Eclair, who looks breathless. He then carried Eclair, who is surprisingly light, and whispered "Hang on..."

Tim and Josh were at the training ground, practising with their new weapons. Tim can't get a hang of a few spells, and Josh can't balance himself after he shoot his cannon. He keep on landing on the rear. ", soon, my ass is going to be sore..." He yelped. Tim could only laugh, as he tries to use another spell. "Erm...Chaos wind?" With that, a gust of wind blow, and aim straight for Josh. "Oh shit! Tim! Cancel it!" Tim is clueless as to how to cancel it, and he yelled "Get out of there, Josh!" Leaving no choice but to run, Josh ran towards where Tim is, and the gust of wind hits a target and completely destroyed it. "...Wow. I've got a feeling that Tim, you are going to be overpowered, like Emile and Jon." Tim just laughed it off again, when he saw Emile. "Hey, isn't that Emile?" Josh look at where Tim is pointing and said "Yea. It is him. Let's go and show him out new stuff!" They both ran towards Emile, who is surprised to see Tim and Josh. "Hey Emile! Looks at ou--" Josh was cut short, when he saw a Beast member. "Emile. You seriously need an explanation. What. The hell. Is going on? And why the hell are you carrying a member from the Beast tribute? They are our enemy, remember?" Josh went on and on, obvious that Emile is looking away. Tim then stopped Josh, and asked "Chugga? Is there something bothering you?" "...Promise you won't tell anyone? But first, where is Skylia? I wanna see her." "Oh, you mean the half beast woman? She's in the woods somewhere. Why do you need to see her?" Tim continued. "Like I said, I will explain later. Tim could you lead the way€?" Tim then nodded and Josh and Emile went together to find Skylia.

Once they found her in the woods, the first thing Skylia asked is "Are Her Highness and Eclispe rescued?" The trio looked at each other, and silence came. "That's a no, huh. Anyway, why do you need to see me?" Emile put Eclair down and said "I found her in this state. And I know she is an enemy, but could you please heal her?" Skylia looked at Eclair with wide eyes. The half beast meet the beast, who is barely breathing. "Told ya it's a bad idea." Josh nudged Emile. "No. It's not a bad idea. Because..." Skylia stopped. "Because?" Tim asked.

"She's used to be a Half-beast...and she's my...sister. I can finally meet her again...after 5 years..."

A/N: GASP. Just kidding. Anyway, Any OsuMania players out there? You can add me in Osu as well! Leave it in the comments what is your Osu account name! I can only play Catch the beat and Mania. I can't play normal Osu and Taiko. Sorry.

~~Support my other fanfiction as well! It's really appreciated!~~

~Digimon: Digidestined Unite! (Slow Update)

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