Chapter 1

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My relationship with Claire, and lately the interest is lost was not even as before ... we just arrived at a simple hug and some other kiss. My luck is already going to the same hell, I do not know how my friends are lucky ... or even my younger brother, who I envy how she knows how to handle their double relationship, her success is inexplicable

I do not want to listen like someone stupid, every time my girlfriend says that my family are all demented I want to cut the thread of this relationship, I can not stand it anymore, I think it would be better to be alone instead of worrying about another life that I can not see the different ethics of the others. There is no record of having to spend my voice speaking to him or telling him - "please, have some calm" -

There's not much to say or think ... I admit ... I'm disgusting to cope with a relationship. A few days ago, my sister gave me the option to end Claire. I understand that Jannett is my sweet little sister , but he hates it, I do not know his reasons but surely it must be because they are polar opposites, Light and Shadow to be exact.

- "There are better options for girls, brother, there may even be one that is the same or similar to your" - Jannett spoke with his somewhat mischievous smile, he did not expect such a decisive moment.

- "I would love for you to help me ... but maybe I should do it alone, I could have the best option ... do not you think?" -  said that black-haired boy

- "It's okay, but if you want I'll help you in advising ... I would not want some girl in your relationship and kill you ... for a simple nonsense" - The girl with violet eyes in a serious tone responds to him still feeling certain insecurity

A difficult decision, where my heart will feel a rain of burning acid but my soul and mind will be calm after the storm ... or so I think

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