Chapter 34: The Aftermath

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"Miss Reynolds? Kewpie?"

I looked up. "Sorry, I'm really tired."

The older gentleman sitting at the desk nodded. "We finished talking it over six minutes ago."


Mom shrugged. I looked at both of them. "So can I take this thing off my finger now or are you going to try and parent me on how much porn I watch?"

Mom snorted and covered her mouth. The other man was not amused and said calmly, "You can take it off, Kewpie."

I took the small clamp off my finger and rubbed the indention marks. I looked at Mom, who was fiddling with her wrist radio. "I don't watch porn," I said.

"You don't have to defend yourself to me, Kewpie. We've known each other for less than a week."

"I don't!"

"Mhmm. . . !"

I rolled my eyes and the man finished up my report. Then he studied me. "Sophia?"

"Yes, sir?"

"Your daughter has a very special mind and the potential to be a very effective empath."

"I don't know what that means," I said quietly.

"Someone who manipulates emotions," Mom said. "Not a lot of people can send fresh-Turned werewolves into shock as badly as you did, just saying."

He folded up the report. "I expect to see great things from you, Miss Reynolds. Sign here."

"Yes, sir."

After he finished examining my memories and I signed a few confidentiality agreements— basically agreeing that I wouldn't talk about werewolves or spirits or my fears to normal people and would protect the secrecy of the Organization—I was allowed to leave and go visit Red. Aaron had filed both her and AJ as registered werewolves. I mean, directly afterward AJ was charged with three murders, lying to the Council, raping a minor, and illegally Turning a mortal all before getting registered, which was pretty much an instant black mark on her record, but I didn't feel any sympathy for her. I was just glad that she couldn't hurt anyone anymore. Mom explained to me that she had received what was called a Second-First-Degree murder for Una and Darcy and a First-Degree for Lotte. The Second-First-Degree charge meant that she had intentionally tried to kill people, but her motives had been altered by her lack of control over the spirit that had possessed her after Aaron had Turned her when they mated. She got a First-Degree for Lotte because she hadn't been in Wolf form to conduct that murder. Apparently, she confessed to that and took responsibility for it, though she wouldn't say why. Either way, she was not going to get any privacy in her life for a very, very long time. Red, on the other hand, was in the Infirmary being cared for after Turning into a werewolf and being sent into shock by yours truly. Since Red was just a pawn and hadn't really meant any harm, no serious charges were put on her, even though she did admit that she "hurt" Lotte while she was on drugs meant to keep her from freaking out. She was seriously manipulated and still didn't really understand what it all meant. She was still charged for helping and was required to do volunteer service for awhile after she recovered, but she wasn't put into confinement like AJ. It was hard to punish someone who had already learned a lesson. And I know Red knew or was starting to figure out at least what she had really been a part of. That was a start, at least.

When I walked into the Infirmary, Red's room was empty of other people except for Aaron, who was talking to her quietly. I frowned. Mom waved and he waved back, climbing to his feet and walking over. Red was lying on her side, staring at the wall, her eyes hollow, clearly still dealing with shock.

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