Chapter One

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Silver's (POV)
I aim my gun at the rodent who dared tried to steal a galls purse, "how dare ya steal a lady's purse while she wasn't lookin," I said as I cocked my gun, the little rodent began to whimper as I stared into his beady eyes my deadly ones. "P-p-please mam?" He begged, I laughed my arse off at his excuse of a big, "HA, you should know that I don't take no beggin' from NOBODY, not even a thief such as yourself," I said with my eyebrows forward(sry forgot what its called when you do that look 😠). I pulled the trigger and then second he was dead, I place my gun back into my hip waist holder, (don't really know what its called either), and walked towards the now dead rodent. I take back the lady's purse amd try my best to wipe off the damn rodents blood that's on it only having it spread MORE blood on the purse, I sigh as I turn on my heel while lowerin' my hat to cover my eyes so the lady won't see 'em. "Here ya go mam," I said quietly as she took back her purse nervously, "th-thank you Grim," she said with a nervous smile, "it was no problem mam," I said before walking away. I walk back to where the stalls were to only find my ride home, "god damn it," I cursed silently to myself so that the little youngins don't hear me, "meh it was slow anyways," I said with a shrug as I head home. I started a sprint my way out of town, I then close my eyes and create an image of a falcon in my mind, as I flap my arms down once and took flight back home, I open my eyes to scan the ground for any food or for a town that has a live bandit on the run, (what I mean by that, I mean that like if someone was trying to rob the town bank WHILE you're flying in the sky).

A few minutes later....

Silver's (POV)
After a while, I FINALLY find my den, so I swoop down to only find out that it wasn't mine, I internally groan as I land behind it. I close my eyes and create an image of me being a kangaroo rat, I then bend my knees a little and jumped a couple of 'human' inches and when I landed, I opened my eyes to see that I turned into a beige skin colored kangaroo rat. I nod in approval and walked towards the front of hopefully an emty den. As I walk towards the entrance I heard someone or something cock their stolen/bought gun, out of instinct I brought out my revolver and silently cocked it to not give away that I'm armed, *man do I LOVE to play weakling on people* I thought to myself with a smirk. Once I reached to the top of the opening for the den, I do a summer sult and land on my feet with my revolver cocked and loaded, but what I saw was nothing at first, *DON'T let your guard down, who knows what's in-* I was interrupted from my thoughts when I felt someone's tail being wrapped around my waist. I wanted to pull the trigger but something inside of me told me not to. "Who are you and what do you want?" I asked with anger in my voice, "I can ask you the same thing girly," the strange voice said, out of the corner of my eye I saw a gantling gun aimed at my head, I chuckle while shaking my head side to side, the stranger looks at me confused, "what ya laughing abou'?" He asked, "well obviously you ain' ev'r heard o' me," I said with a sly smile, the strangers grip on me tightens, "go on," the stranger said with a bit o'  interest, "the names Silver, otherly know as 'Grim' or ' Shadow Killer'," I said with a straight face, "well... technically the Grim Reaper of the eastern part of this DRY desert," I said exaggerating the word 'dry'. He laughed when I said that, I was... confused? I think that's word, "now what are YOU laughing about?" I asked with slight restort while turning the tables on him, he seemed surprise by my retort, "I'm only laughin' 'cause I'M the Grim Reaper of the west," he said with a sly smile, "that may be but, there's more then one direction to take, there's North, East, South,.... and West," I said a little... HESITANT!?!... Huh, reminds me of my first kill, "*groans* what's your NAME!?! It's ticking be off that you haven't told me yours," I groaned out of annoyance, "the names Rattlesnake Jake, Grim Reaper of the West," he said showing me his firey eyes, I simply just nod with a shrug as he loosens his grip on me. "Hav' room for one mor'?" I asked him, he simply nodded and went back to his own business, I remove my 'kill' outfit and replace it with my 'relax' outfit.

I look towards the entrance/exit of his den, to be met with the beauty of the setting sun, I sigh at the beauty as I begin to settle for the night.

Rattlesnake Jake's (POV)
I look over to where Silver is sleeping for the night, to only find her laying next to opening of the den, "how come yer ov'r there?" I asked her, "I'm ov'r here 'cause I want to leave as SOON the time reaches mi'night," she said rather harshly, "damn, you didn't have to be RUDE about it," I retorted, "well sor-ry," she said with a huff as she laid down on the sand to go to sleep.

A few minutes later....

Rattlesnake Jake's (POV)
I start to hear someone shivering, I knew that it wasn't me, so I open one eye to see Silver shivering in her sleep. I slither towards her as quietly as possible and wrap myself around her. "For a Reaper yer awful purty," I whispered quietly, my eyes widen when I caught myself saying SUCH things, *did I just SAY that!?!* I thought... SCARED!?! I close my eyes and took deep breaths to try to calm myself down, I open my eyes again to see Silver not shiverin anymore, "no, no please," She whimpered, I take a closer look at her face, to only see dark rings under her eyes, *wait a minute, since when do I care about people?* I asked myself.

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