Chapter 4: You Got To Be Kidding Me

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I might've been a little rude to James but I did apologize about that and he said it was fine but on some level I do feel bad. He was talking a whole lot about his brother and all of his other siblings he has one brother and he's my age and a 5 year old sister and he showed me a picture she is so cute his mom and dad not so much I know it's a touchy topic so I decided not to bring it up. I kept glancing in that direction and I don't think he has noticed me and I'm scared that when he sees me he's going to hurt me like he did and I'm not going to let that happen he is here

He's here


Why is Jacob here

You're like Jacob? Who is he? He is my mom's fiancé and I guess he is a member here I don't know if he knew I was going to be here.

"Clare hello are you okay" he says waving a hand in front of my face I look at him and he's looking where I was looking.

"Huh yeah I am just zoning" I say looking at the time.

"You sure?" He asks I nod.

"So when are we going to the fight" I asks getting up and putting my hood back on.

"Oh yeah almost forgot we got 20 minutes" he says looking at his watch.

"Ok cool I'm going to go warm up" I say starting to walk off as he's getting up.

"Ok I will walk you down and you can do what you need to do and I will see you in 20 minutes" he says walking beside me. We walk down the familiar hallway and stop in front of the door where the fight will be held.

"Ok well see you" I say opening the door.

"Yeah oh and be careful these guys have short tempers and you can hurt yourself" he says holding the door as I walk in.

"Don't worry I can handle myself I'm not like other girls if I challenge them it's on me" I say turning around and see like 10 guys working out.

" I know sorry it's just weird to have a girl in here and totally not be scared I can tell you if there was They would have seen the things that you've seen and the would have made it to China already" he says and I chuckle.

"Ha ha so funny and it's not weird" I say with a smile on my face.

"Ok I need to go there are people at the front desk" he says starting to walk away.

* * *

It feels so good to warm up I haven't in a while because I have been busy with school yes this girl kinda cares about school but I draw a line at being called a nerd because I'm not I do dress like one because I don't want to use my good clothes that I use after school. I got like 5 more minutes and I'm beating up this punching bag left and right and I can see a few fighters glancing my way and muttering upon themselves but I don't care I'm not going to let other people down the way I feel not even Jacob. I make my way over to where the fight is going to be held right now I'm unrecognizable James just made his way through the door I run into him before he goes into the stands to announce the fight.

"Hey what do you want your name to be" James whispered to me.

"Psycho Angel" I say that's what I go by usually.

"Ok And nice name" he says looking impressed.

"Thanks that's my fighting name" I say smirking as he walks up to the stands.

"Ok are you ready to see a fight" he yells into the microphone. "Because aren't you going to be surprised please welcome Jump Scare" Jump Scare comes out with his robe and joggers and he's topless god that six pack wait what am I doing. "And Psycho Angel" he finishes.

We get into beginning stance I still can't see his face he still hasn't taken off his robe now we are circling I can already tell that he has had a couple injures he is sickling his right leg and his left knee. I make the first move I jab his jaw he stumbles back but surprised but recovers quickly he tries to take a left hook but dodge it he stumbles to the ground and in the blink of an eye he's back up I go for a right cross and got him in right in the neck. He doesn't look phased he looks at me with pure rage he went to another punch he hooked me right in the ribs I stagger back in to the ground that gives him time to straddle my waist and start throwing punches left and right I stop his fist from going into my face and I had time to flip us of and throw my punches I don't know what he looks like but right now but he is a bloody mess.

The referee starts banging on the floor and Jump Scare doesn't get up so I win after that happens he gets up and stomps off in pure rage.

I get a glance of his face as he was cleaning the blood off his face.

You got to be kidding me.


Hey loves 79 reads wow I hope you guys liked this chapter a lot so stay tuned for more and I did keep my promise that I will be posting late love you guys so so much I will talk to you guys next time

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