Part 4 - Hello animal face

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I woke up in the morning seeing the most beautiful face.Harry was standing over me staring with a big smile.

''Hello beautiful'' he said and kissed me.

''hi curly'' i winked at him then went to take a showeri took a very long one as usual.

''Scarlet get out of the shower'' Niall yelled.

''one more minute''

'' you said that ten minutes ago now get out!'' he said

. i got out and wrapped a towel on me.I let Niall to get in and got back to my room.There Harry already opened the suitcase and was ready to pack.

''PACKING TIME''I said and sat next to him.

''Aren't you gonna put some clothes on'' He said and lifted his eyebrows.

''Nah'' i was too lazy as always.

''Come on niall will come''He said.

'' oh okay.The nudist wants me to put some clothes on'' I went to my wardrobe and took a outfit and changed ( picture on the side) It was autumn  and it was chilly here in London maybe that's why  we were going to Hawaii to get a bit hotter.After i changed i sat to harry he was thinking.

''Whats wrong?'' i asked.

''I have this question.'' he said.

''what is it?'' i looked serious.

''Why can't we take our cat?''

''Oh Harry.We take a cat or niall''

''CAT'' he shouted so Niall will hear.

''Hey'' Niall came with a disapointed face.

''Don't worry Niall.Harry we will take the leprechaun.'' i said . 


'' no but we are taking Niall!''

''Thank you Scarlet i luff you'' Niall huged me.

''Hey shes mine'' Harry made a silly face.

''Boys stop fighting now lets pack , ok?'' i told them.Niall got his bag out and started packing.

Me and Harry packed and got ready.

''Harry any news about Eleanor?''

''Yes i heard him this morning Eleanor woke up and now you can hear them in the whole hospital'' He laughed.

''Aw love birds'' i smiled.

''And what are we?'' 

''mmm ... maybe love cats?''

''Nah love whales is better''

''Are you saying im fat?''  i started to tickle him and we fell on the couch.Our faces were so close i couldn't resist.Slowly his soft lips tounched mine.

''Hey lads im ready stop the kissing!'' Niall apeared in the room and ruined the moment.

'' Okay lets put the bags in the car.'' Harry got up from the couch.

We got all the bags and got them in the car.Harry got in the car and i sat next to him Niall was on the back seat.He drove down the driveway.At the gate there were many fans we wanted to go out and  see them but we could miss the flight so we just waved at them.We arived at the airport where even more fans were waiting we tried to take a few pictures with some of them and got on the plane.We were going to hawaii i was so excited!me and harry were next to each other of course and niall was in front of us.Harry fell asleep during the flight.One of the pilots came at a moment.He told us that something is wrong with the plane and it will get cold.Oh good thing i got some hats.

''Harry love wake up''i pushed him.

''Whaat?''He said very sleepy.

''One of the pilots came something is wrong with the plane and it will get cold want a hat?'' he just nodded.I turned around and got 3 hats out of my purse.

''Which one do you want the panda polar bear or the bear?''He took the panda one and quiclky put it on his head.I gave Niall the bear one and got the polar bear on me.Then i just layed my head on Harry's shoulder and fell asleep


i opened my eyes and saw Harry poking me.

''Harry i was asleep why did you wake me up?''

''im bored''

''Seriously? you woke me up because your bored?''

''And i wanted to hear your voice.''

''Oh boy don't you try to make me weak.and what do you wanna do?'' I laughed.

''Lets play fruit ninja?''

''Oh its on like donkey kong!'' i said. We both took out our phones and started playing i was beating him so he didn't want to play anymore.

''Lets take funny pictures!'' Harry sugested and i nodded.We started to make silly faces and take pics.One of them was very funny so Harry uploded it on twitter

@Harry_Styles Me and @ScarletR are having a very boring flight so heres a duck bear face!

For minutes our mentions were blown the fans trended ''Boring bear flight'' and ''Love bears''

The picture was all over our many fans wanted to know wheres Niall so i took a pic of him.

@ScarletR So as you requested here's the sleeping bear @NiallOficial hugging his guitar!

Twitter went even crazier it shut down for an half hour.Well .. the power of the directioners.

Love me or Leave me (One Direction/Harry Styles Fan Fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora