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Angel's POV
Angel:Wow another day to make mistakes.You just never learn Angel.

Angel prepared for another disaster in school.

Angel was that type of girl who teachers thought were generous. But she was so miserable on and off during classes,while teachers weren't looking. She was funny. She loved the attention. She has also on/off friendships. Her most trustful friends were only Aven,Ashton and Lia. Aven wasn't popular but she had TONS of friends. Angel's on/off friends were Arianna,Ashley and Shay.
Shay mostly caused the problems with her and Angels relationship. She knew Shay had some personal issues that Angel understood. Angel tried her best not to hurt Shay. Arianna was only Angels off bestfriend once because of a really personal issue that cannot be told. Ashley,well,Ashley was the MOST popular in the whole school. She had no problem getting a friend instantly.
Angel never trusted Ashley with her secrets,because Ashley would just say a rumour and EVERYONE believed her.
People called Angel a slut. It was true though. She almost liked every guy like Kyle,Gayle,Lonnie,Ernie and Ryle. Ryle was such a dick. Angel never knew why she liked him. He was just another playboy. But Angel was an idiot and she fell for him.

A:Thats it for the story guys... these descriptions are 50% true. But yeah no offense. If you know who is who. Please don't expose. Thank you loves ❤️!

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