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Rakel's POV

     I sat exactly behind Angel. Until I totally forgot about my text book in my locker. I got irritated, but I still headed off to my locker. I checked the time quickly, so I knew how much time I had left. I had about 7 minutes left. I checked my locker for my textbook and a note dropped.
Third POV
     Rakel opened the letter without noticing what it said on the back of the note. (It said... "ONLY FOR RAKEL STEVENSON." )He wasn't paying cautious of how loud he said the letter.

Rakel's POV

"Hi, the person who gave you this letter cried over you the previous night. She thinks about you and wonders a lot. She wants to know who you like because she heard that you like someone. Please put this back in my locker when you're finished writing your answer. Thanks. -Love Angel"

     Then you heard sudden laughter in the background. You turned around immediately and saw people laughing and recording the whole moment. Your heart was crushed when you knew that Angel would be damaged. Your phone blew up the next second.


Fandile Syne School Report
"Angel sends Rakel a cringy love letter haha 😂 !!"
"Angel confesses to  Rakel, through stupid love letter!"

     You started to feel stupid, you knew that you ruined Angel's life. You checked the time and saw that there was 3 minutes left until your class would start. You walked to your class with a mix of emotions. You entered your class and saw Angel circled around with people laughing at her.

Angel's POV

     I continued doodling for the next 4 minutes until everyone's phone buzzed. I checked my phone and read it with wide eyes.

Fandile Syne School Report
"Angel sends Rakel a cringy love letter!! Haha 😂 "
"Angel confesses to Rakel, through stupid love letter!"

     Your heart shattered to pieces. People started to gather around you, laughing. Gayle,Aven,Lia and Ashton sat on their desks, helplessly. Until Rakel ran to the door and saw you...

( if you were reading my note actually in real life. You know who EXACTLY who Rakel is now. This happened to me in real life but in a  total different situation and place. -Anghela)

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