Chapter 23

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Harry's POV

"What? The hospital, why?" I asked Liam after I processed what he told us. Scared, but curious at the same time for the answer, I looked into Liam's eyes.

"We have to go." Liam responded as he roughly grabbed my arm, forcing me to walk with him. I shared a glance with Louis, who clearly didn't agree with Liam touching me that aggressively. I shook my head at Louis, hoping I could withdraw him from making a scene and probably making the situation worse.

Louis gritted his teeth but thankfully didn't make a comment to Liam and followed us without saying a word. We absolutely had no idea what was going on and with every step I took, the things my mind made up got significantly worse.

"Liam. You have to tell us what's going on." I started to give some resistance against his strong grip, trying to get him to stand still for one second. Liam suddenly stopped walking and slowly turned to face me. The seconds he didn't say anything but only stared at Louis and me with a lifeless look in his eyes made my heartbeat rise. I held my breath and automatically intertwined my fingers with Louis'.

"It's Zayn." Nothing more, nothing less. That was the explanation we were going to get. This answer didn't calm me down for that matter, it rather did the opposite.

Liam started walking again without even checking if we were still following him. Louis' eyes reflected the worry and questioning I felt. We shared a worried glance but didn't say anything. We followed Liam without making a noise.

After we walked for what felt like ages we stopped in the living room. The room was completely dark, except from the moonlight shining through the window, which made the outline of Niall visible. The darkness and rain matched the unpleasant vibe surrounding us. Liam quickened his pace to kneel down next to Niall, both of them facing the wall.

Louis kept walking as close to me as was humanly possible, the way he squeezed my hand was his silent way of telling me it was going to be alright. We slowly walked towards our two other bandmates, unsure what we were going to find. Goosebumps appeared on my skin, this time not due to the cold but because of the sight in front of me. Zayn sat on the floor, his head resting on his knees while tears made their way down his cheek. Completely zoned out, not aware of the things happening around him. He didn't react to Liam who softly called his name, not to Niall who waved his hand to catch his attention and not to us, not even a single glance. Just nothing.

Niall made a gesture to follow him and he walked out of the living room. It seemed like my legs forgot how they worked, ignoring the signals from my brain and not moving a single inch. I just stood there, looking at the broken mess which was Zayn. I still had no idea what was going on and I prayed he was going to be fine.

Louis silently grabbed my hand and pulled me along into the hallway where Niall waited for us. Louis softly drew circles on the top of my hand with his thumb to help me calm down. "Love, you have to control your breaths, I can tell you're gonna have a panic attack if you continue like this."

Louis let go of my hand to hold both of my hands afterwards. "Come on, breathe at the same time as me."

We continued this breathing technique for a few minutes until I didn't have the feeling I'd lose consciousness anymore. We did a lot of those moments together, Louis always had a way to calm me down and I absolutely adored him for it.

"Jesus fucking Christ," Louis said as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "What is going on?"

"He got a call from his mother. She told him his grandfather is in the hospital and he probably won't make ir through the night," Niall softly filled us in.

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