Something Great 9- We forgive and forget...

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Kyo was breathing hard. His chest rose up and down fast.

"Are you okay?" Kyo asked me with a worried look on his face

I stood up and leaned against the wall. "I-I think so..."

Yuki looked me up and down and spoke. "He didn't...hurt you right?"

I shook my head.

"I don't remember anything..."

"Dammit!" Kyo yelled loudly and looked at Yuki.

"He probably used Hatori."

Yuki shook his head,

"Hatori can only erase complete memories of people..."

Yuki approached me.

"Tohru, can you tell us what you remember?"

"I was doing something. I can't seem to remember what. I heard talking and glass breaking from below. I turned off the light and hid under my bed. A man found me. Then I heard and guy and a girl. They seemed angry and left. They were talking, but I can't remember."

Kyo sighed,

"It couldn't of been Hatori breaking in. I have a confession to make..."

Tohru crossed her arms and pulled out Kyo's phone.

"One thing I do remember is getting a text from someone. Who was it and why did you tell him to come here?"

Kyo clenched his jaw.

"I was joking around in a group chat and they took me serious. That's why I gave you my phone, so you'd be warned."

"But...why can't I remember anything?"

"Well Hatori clearly wasn't here."

I was confused.

"Who's Hatori?"

"Nobody. So if your mind wasn't erased you must have some sort of amnesia..."

Yuki suddenly remembered something.

"Tohru! Did you check who the text message was from?"

"No.." I quickly unlocked the phone and went to the messages. My eyes widened.

"The message is gone!" I yelled.

"They deleted it." Kyo said angrily.


"Why didn't you tell me?"

We all sat in my room and were eating sandwiches. It was 3

AM and no matter how hard I tried to get them to leave they wouldn't budge.

Kyo put his sandwich down. "Well you found out didn't you?"

"If I knew I wouldn't of come home! They could've hurt me bad! I could've died!"

"I didn't want them to think I've gone soft."

"So you basically stood them up and let them do it themselves?"


My cheeks burned and eyes watered. He seriously didn't care.

Yuki awkwardly sat next to me and watched us argue.

I heard the phone downstairs ringing and went downstairs with Kyo and Yuki following.

I screamed when I saw what they did to my living room. Glass was everywhere, plates shattered, windows with holes in them. I cried on my knees picking up the broken picture frame of my grandfather and my mother.

Something Great ❤️ KyoxTohru| «au»Where stories live. Discover now