Something Great 11~ A shot for a new beginning...

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" me it hurts..."

I was floating in and out of consciousness. Hatori sat and watched me.

I heard screaming outside. It sounded like Kyo. Who was I to say? I was delirious.


Kyo's POV-

Yuki and Shigure held me down outside.

"Let go! She's in pain. I need to get to her."

"Kyo this is for the best."

Shigure yelled at me.

"The best? She won't even remember me. She won't remember those last moments."

Shigure we interested in what I was saying.

"Last moments?" He repeated.

"We...kissed. When I went to take it further she stopped me. She said that we shouldn't because I'd be the only one remembering."

Shigure looked surprised that I admitted that.

"Just let me see her...before it's too late."

Yuki let go of my arm.

"Go.." Yuki said and opened the door.

I didn't look back. I ran into the room to see Hatori holding her up far from his body. She was fading out of consciousness.

I ran up to Tohru. Blood covered her face. I smudged it as I grabbed her cheek.

My thumb wiped her tears.

"K-Kyo...don't let them..." She whimpered.

"You're're okay. Fight Tohru. Fight it."

Tohru screamed in pain.

"He's cutting into my memories. They're disappearing. Kyo...what did we do last. What did we study first. Did I like you? What's his name?"

Tohru pointed to Yuki.

"No Tohru...fight please."

Something snapped in my brain. I held Hatori up to me by his collar.

"Reverse the damn thing...NOW or this will be the last thing you'll see."

Hatori looked into my eyes. I threw him down in suprise. I heard one last shriek from Tohru and her head fell back. She looked dead.


Tohru's POV-

I woke up with Hatori staring at me.

"I don't normally do this, but Tohru Honda, tell me about Kyo Sohma."

I was confused.

"Well Kyo Sohma is a bad boy. He thinks he's cooler than everyone else. He has a motorcycle--"

Hatori sighed.

"So that's all you know?"

Wasn't my memory suppose to be gone? How come I still remember Kyo and Yuki? Don't tell him you know anymore or he'll bring the pain back.

"I know nothing else."

Secretly I knew everything. From the first time he looked at me to the last.

"Well Tohru you can go home."


Kyo's POV-

"Don't you dare talk to her in school." Akito yelled at me from across the room.

"Why not?" I just had the only decency. The only nice thing in me from her. Now I don't know what to do with myself.

Something Great ❤️ KyoxTohru| «au»Where stories live. Discover now