picking up the 2 poneys

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granny went around to the back door of the car to where Annabel was and she open the door Annabel jumped out of the car and looked around her. she then took granny hand and they both begin to walk up to the farm House with Annabel's mother be-hide them who was  stepping in all the mud and rain  she did not look very happy at all and not only that she was getting very wet by the time they got to the farm house Annabel's mother was wishing that she did take the coat that granny had asked her to take. Annabel was standing be-hide granny jumping up and down she could not Waite to get her ponny she was jumping in the pouals the rain watter keeped hitting her green long coat granny when knot at the big black door and a lady wear a long pink coat with long black hiar anwers and said hi sally you must be here to pick up the pony you asked for. she then saw and annabel and said hi there you must be the Lucky girl that is going to give one of my pony's a loving home. Annabel smail sweetly at the Lady and said yes miss she then hide behide her gran.the Lady then said my name is Abby she said to Annabel 

Annabel then said my name is Annabel the lady smile at her and then looked at Annabel's mother and said hi there are you OK there i have a coat if you would like it and some boots you can use if you like it i just the field is very muddy where the pony's are as we have had a lot of rain over the last few days. Annabel's mother who was dripping wet said coldly to the Lady yes a coat with be great but as you can see my shoes are  not going to be wore again as they are cloverd in mud Abby then said OK here is a coat for you  she then reach into her door way and gave annabels mother a black long coat to wear and said this one should fit you i hope it is not to big right she said as she gave Annabel's mother the  coat  this way every one  she then lead the way to the Field that was down the hill form the House and  as  they got close to it they could see all of these pony's  running around they  where all black and white or Brown abby then open the grate and Annabel granny and mother all went into the Field Annabel was so happy she had a really big smile on her face Annabel's mother start to walk  in she slipped on the mud and end up falling over she then got up with lots of mud all over her oh dear though granny granny said do not worry about it the mud will come off annabels mother looked so mad but did not say anything  Annabel walk forward a bit form granny and one of the ponies came up to her he was a dark Brown one and then anther one came he was light Brown Abby then said  sally i know you only wanted one peony but would you take the other one to as the one that is behide him is his Friend and they do everything together grany said yes i will take both of them. great said abby  when will you be coming to pick them up granny said how about Saturday will that be OK? abby said that is OK by me see you then sally good day to you all  they all flowed abby back to the car  annabel was jumping up and down annaels mother gave abby her coat back and said thank you  they all got into the car and said goodbye to Abby and went  back to Granny's House to get dry-ed off Annabel's mother went home and leave Annabell with granny.

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