getting tobby and rebely ues to someone rideing them

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The next day granny went down the flied with papa to see witch of the 2 pony's would be best for Annabel to ride about on. she and papa went into the Field to the ponies shed witch was where they live the dark Brown one went right up to granny and papa. and soon as he saw the carrot in her hand but the light Brown stayed at the back. granny then put a hardcover around the dark hair pony and lead him out into the Field the lighter one flowe behind. granny then does lots of things to work out witch pony would be the best one for Annabel she work out that the dark hair one would be best as he was not so sacred of people granny said to papa lets name them. papa said how about we call the dark hair one Toby and the light one Robby? granny looked very happy about calling them that and smile she said yes that would be a great name for them all we have to do now is to get Annabel over to see them

she will be very happy to know they are back here

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2013 ⏰

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