He wanted to kissed her

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He wanted to kiss her.

Not only on the lips...

Goodbye kiss...

He wanted to...

They were absolutely crazy considerations.

Well, he knew if he would do it if he crosses the border, he doesn't find way back...

Especially not now when...

What he had desired, was inappropriate, unforgivable... That's what he yearned for was... as a provocation, which he could not and wasn't allowed never...

She's not love him already.

Forgotten him.

He will also have to forget, or... but as he forgets the most gentle being that changed his life, which he once again brought him back to life, when he no longer believed he could have ever had a claim...

Whenever, he accedes to it, he thinks what their kisses would be, cannot prevent it...


"Lord M..."


The cold in her voice, on which he was not accustomed, the cold with which he never fails to reconcile.

"I would like to talk to you, befoure..."

She nodded.

"Speak, Lord M..."

Lord M. If it does not stop calling, him lord M, he may never be able to...

Maybe it doesn't even want to.

"Say goodbye to you is the hardest thing I have to... I don't want you to... thought that..."

"Say Goodbye?"

"I will no longer be able to be your Prime minister, these are still the last weeks that..."

"You don't have to say goodbye to me, William..."

"He left, but not only for two weeks, he left forever..."


Surprises that...


"He understood it, understood that... and asked me... he asked me if... I could not lie to him, not in such an important case... no one knows yet and I am afraid, I am afraid, Lord M..."

"Please, understand that I would not be able to lie to him that I could not just..."

"I thought you loved, him that you were happy with him..."

"I too thought it, Lord M... but..."

"Don't be afraid, madam, we find some logical explanation..."

"I am not dare to tell you when... not even tell my family... our farewell was cruel, he told me things that... I can't forget..."

"I will help you, madam, together we find a solution that..."

"Thank you, Lord M..."

He wanted to leave. Needed time to think about it, how to conceal something like this could endanger...

"Lord M, wait..."

"Yes, madam..."

"You could have me... kiss... could you do it... for me..."

"Madam, I..."

"Please Lord M, kiss Me..."

He needed him. He could not refuse it.

He could not refuse the sweetest request.

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