No, Westboro.

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This is all copied and pasted from a website that is associated with the Westboro church (@A-A-Asbhy thank you): 

"Dear Loser,

Welcome to the The Official Website of the 'Parents Against Goth' Organisation. A Peaceful Christian Organisation set-up to warn Parents and Children about the dangers of getting involved in the sinister and violent Gothic subculture. This website is the result of 10 long years of painstaking research and investigation into teen Satanism, Self-harming, Wicca, and the twisted and disturbing world of Goth.  This is an exciting time for all at PAG, This year marks our tenth anniversary, and what better way to celebrate a decade of speaking out against Satanism, helping children escape from Cults, lecturing in schools and Churches about the dangers of teen satanic culture, heavy metal, Wicca and Goth, than by firmly establishing our online presence. 

But before you go any further, let's just clear up a few misconceptions you may have about what you really are -

So let's be straight here. Goths are the lowest form of human trash that has ever crawled upon this good clean earth. 'Garbage people' I call them, and I can assure you that is what they are. Freaks who worship the Devil, who take drugs and molest children, who have pre-marrital sex, who whore themselves, who are obsessed with Vampirism, and abuse handicapped kids, who promote cross-dressing and underaged homosexuality, who behave like wild violent animals that need to be put down, who cut themselves and try to get others to self harm, degrade themselves and attempt suicide and think it is acceptable behaviour.  I rate them as detestable as those worthless cerebal palsy retarded creatures they plant at the entrance to Walmart, to welcome shoppers. 

"Duuu... welllcuummm... too... wullmart... Duuuuu...". 

Because let's face facts here, they are equally as pathetic and repulsive.

See, we are at war here. War against the Hell that Earth is becoming. Crack addicted children on the streets, the whores, vampires, Goths, the mentally handicapped, retarded demons with spina bifida and cerebal palsy, mongeloids that behave like wild animals that are prone to sexually gratifying themselves in public, pathetic excuses for humans with brains like dogs, and homosexuals. What kind of a world is this ? That fags can marry and spread their disease ridden seed ? That is why send Aids to cure their kind. Why even now God is preparing for war. Why he sent the Tsunami, Hurricane Katrina, and why he will send many many more atrocities upon this pathetic World. Because we have turned from him, and like a good father he will scold us for it. 

God is angry with us. Furious that we let open Satanists walk freely among us when the Bible teaches we should be burning them, and we WILL be punished for disobeying our God. He will send calamity after calamity upon you heathens, and he will mock you when you die. Halleluja! 

These are signs that the end is near, my friends. Just look at the state of our World, that we are over-run with satanic pieces of trash like you. But make no mistake, we will fight this evil head-on by any means at our disposal, with the direct blessing of God himself. Our God, who drowned the wicked world in the great flood, and spared but one man who was worthy. Our God, who cleansed the cities at Sodom and Gomorrah with fire from the skies, wiping out fags and adulterers and idolators. We are all ready and willing to die for our God. I find it quite pathetic that you are all so blind.

Goths in my opinion are more dangerous to Children than pedophiles, and need serious psychiatric help. The sooner Goths realise what they have is nothing short of mental illness, the better for everyone concerned.

What we can offer you here is ten year of experience in educating young people, such as yourself, about the dangers of the Gothic subculture, and the role that heavy satanic music plays in destroying lives (and brain-cells). 

If you want to go on being lead around by your nose-rings, then ignore the message of salvation this website offers you. If you want to seek repentance and a new lease of life, that only Jesus Christ can offer you, now is your chance for recovery. 

I hope you will find much comfort in the message of hope and inspiration our website offers."

Also, this is what they say which music should be banned. This is just a few. 

"AC/DC: song Hell's Bells, inspired "Night Stalker" serial killer, pentagrams on album art (Highway to Hell), violent cover art (If You Want Blood You Got It), guitarist admitted to being 'possessed' while on stage. Band-name AC/DC stands for Assault Christians Destroy Christians. Promote pedophilia (guitarist dresses like a school boy on stage). Avoid this band like the plague."

"Beastie Boys: more than 90 references to drug and alcohol abuse on Licensed to Ill"

"Blink 182: rebellion, tattoos, perverted lyrics about sexually abusing animals (F*ck a dog)"

"Deftones: rebellious message, encourage violence"

"Iron Maiden: mascot Eddie told fan to kill himself; neuromancy, occult, rebellion, objectionable album art (Killers, The Number of the Beast, Seventh Son of a Seventh Son)"

"Led Zeppelin: backmasked messages and references to Pan on "Stairway to Heaven", "

"Marlyn Manson - too many to mention here, blasphemy, ties to Church of Satan, mocks God, rebellion"

"Metallica: promote suicide on "Fade to Black""

"Offspring: rebellion"

"Papa Roach - Use occult symbology on album art"

"Linkin Park: encourage violence, rebellious lyrics"

"Nirvana: nihilism, anti-christian lyrics, violent lyrics, song 'rape me', mock the crucifixion, singer committed suicide, hardly a role model for fans everywhere, and lead to fans commiting suicide to emulate him."

"Queen: backmasking, drug abuse, homosexuality, cross-dressing, perverted singer died of aids"

"Red Hot Chili Peppers - use occult symbols on album art, rebellion, inspired violence and arson at Glastonberry '99"

There is also a link to a page that says, "God Hates Women." Yeah, no. 

I think it's time to get into the 21st Century, Westboro, and not live in the 1st. 

Matt's book of random shietOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora