Fun Time 😏

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Spencer kept nibbling Ryan neck. It didn't take long to find Ryan's sweet spot. "Ah!!" Ryan moaned louder. Then Spencer reached through Ryan'd pants for his micro peepee. "Aww it's so small!" Spencer awed. "S-stop.." Ryan blushed. He started to lick the tip making Ryan moan even louder. "Damn I'm g-gonna-" The rest of the words couldn't escape from his lips just when his micro peepee came on Spencer. He undid his belt and took off his pants, Ryan couldn't stop starring at Spencer's huge crusty bodonker. Spencer put Ryan into a position and slid is crusty bodonker into Ryan. It kinda did hurt for Ryan since it was his first time, but he didn't want to make fake moans for Spencer, his love for him was too strong for that. "Mm.." Spencer moaned as he tried to bite his lower lip to stop the moaning.
.(Anngie's pov)

I'm going to Ryan's house to tell him that we are going to break up because I found my love for 2D dudes stronger than my love for Ryan. I'm a little nervous, but it's worth it! So I stepped out of me house but only to realized that I had to walk about an hour or so to reach Ryan's house, since I lived far from him. I sighed and thought about my love for 2D dudes, that me more confident and I continued my decision and closed the front door silently and kept on going. Thankfully I brought a huge bag of Cheetos wit me so I'll survive my journey.
. (Back to Ryan and Spencer's fun time)

Ryan moaned as he went up and down. "G-go harder S-Saige" Ryan moaned. So Spencer did what he was told and held on to Ryan's waist and went in deeper. Ryan felt even more pleasure than he did before, that's when Spencer hit the spot. "Saige d-do it again!!" Ryan's words escaped out of his lips. Spencer kept thrusting into Ryan and eavh time he went deeper and faster. "R-Ryan I think I'm gonna-" "So am i!!" Ryan moaned louder. Spencer's eyes went to the back of his head and Ryan shut his eyes tight. Then BOOM!! They reached orgasm. and just laid on each other with their naked bodies. I love you so much Saige. Ryan smiled. "So do I." Spencer replied. They just cuddled but shortly after they both fell asleep.
(Time skip)
Anngie finally made it to Ryan's house, but luckily she finished my big bag of Cheetos just in time. She noticed that his front door was open, but she went inside anyway. "Damn, where is everybody?" Anngie wondered. She went upstairs and saw Ryan's room. She didn't knock because that's how much of an ass she was and slammed the door open awaking up Spencer and Ryan. Her eyes widen on what she saw. "Aye, what's goin' on?" Anngie asked. The two dudes froze there in silence for second until Anngie started tearing up. "Anngie I can explain!!" Ryan lied. But her emotion was not what they expected. "OML IT FINALLY HAPPENED!!" Anngie cheered in tears. The two dudes looked at each other in confusion. "I was gonna confess that we're breaking up with you but I see that you have another lover." Anngie giggled. "Yeah, your right!" Ryan agreed. This made Spencer blush knowing that their a thing now. "Now then, PUT SOME FUCKIN' CLOTHES ON I SWEAR I CANNOT STARE AT YOU TWO NO LONGER!!!" Anngie complained. "Oops.." The two dudes sputtered while looking at each other. Anngie left the room and saw that the video game Overwatch was still on, so she sat on the comfy couch, put the headphones on, and yelled out "WASSAP LOSERS!!!!" No response came out. "Hellllllooo??" Anngie puzzled. "W... What just.. Happened?" The noob asked. "What do you mean??" Anngie replied. There was... Moaning and skin slapping.." Another player quivered. "NANI!?!" Anngie gasped. "Uhh Ryan? These dweebs just heard skin a lot of moaning and skin slapping!!" Anngie yelled to the other room. Spencer and Ryan looked at each other in embarrassment. "What do they mean by that??? Weren't you guys just cuddling??" Anngie asked in confusion. "Hey Saige.. I kinda forgot to turn off my Xbox before I went down stairs.." Ryan exclaimed. "WHAT!?!?" Spencer screamed. Spencer and Ryan froze in his room in more embarrassment that not only did Anngie just figured out what they were doing, but the noob, and other players in the server heard some sexual things that went down in Ryan's room..

(I do apologize for the short fucking part but I will make more soon in life 😏😏👌)

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