What you should know

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Never look at other birds in the sky .
Focus on your own wings
because if you keep on looking at them ,
You'll never fly .

Success is not having money, power
Or any material things  of this earth
No !
Success is what you remain with when all that is taken away from you .

There are always two people that
Will determine who you'll become ',

1.The inner you that people don't see and 2.The you that people see

However, the latter is dominant over the former because
(the inner you) is what makes the You
That's outside !

The world of possibilities and impossibilities are our own creation .

They are in our minds
You want to be a musician but
The inner you says
"You don't stand a chance !"
So the outside (you) decides not to show the musician in you .
Whatever you believe you can be,
work on that .
That doesn't mean you'll wake
Up one day and your songs will have air play !
It doesn't mean that you won't be rejected but here's the best part....

Keep on praying to God,
Keep on practicing ,
Don't be so hard on yourself though !
Just do what needs to be done and do it to your level best .
Never be a copy !
The world wants authenticity !

If by any chance death comes your way ,
You'll  be happy that
You did something worth while.

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